Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,46

something about him unnerves me instantly. Where the big guy seems to welcome me, or the guard I should say, this other one eyes me suspiciously.

"Had to get my dick wet, was trying out the new bitch when this one," I throw BB forward and she stumbles and falls to the floor with a whimper, "Decided to show herself," I finish, laughing as BB struggles to her feet.

"No fucking shit? Figured if she was one of those freaks it would have come out long before now." Big guy laughs, thrusting his hips at BB and making her cringe back.

"What did she do?" skinny guy asks, eyeing her then me.

I open my mouth to say I don't know what, when big guy nudges him. "What's it matter man, that's another one! Boss Man will be really happy!"

The skinner one grunts but seems to accept it. "Want me to take her down?" he questions, his eyes turning greedy as he looks at her body. I feel her shake against me and I know this is the man she fears the most. When she looks up at me, her eyes are pooling with tears and beg me not to let him get her. He must be seriously fucked up to make this cold woman cry,.

The smart thing to do would be to leave them to it, let them get back to their game, but I can't. Not knowing he hurt these girls. It could have been me, they could have been me, and now I have the strength to help and make it stop. Am I going to walk away? Am I? Fuck no.

Let the killing party begin.

While watching the warehouse from the shadows, I frown when the tugging comes again, stronger than ever before. I push it away and lean farther back into the shadows as a car pulls away from outside, the same posh Ferrari that pulled up earlier. I had watched as they grabbed something from the boot and dragged it inside, with the man in the suit watching with a smile before he followed them in.

My guess is that he’s one of the men in charge so when he leaves, I relax a little. I don’t want to go for management yet. It’s more fun to make them sweat it out, plus after the council meeting today, I know I need to make this job last as long as I can.

Grinding my teeth, I ignore their warnings and laughter. They had decided that after this job they wanted to bring me back to the fold. They wanted to cage me more like.

So I will take the warehouse down tonight and let the bosses sweat it a bit before I hunt them too, because I’m betting this runs high up. To have this sort of money and security, it must.

Watching for an hour or so longer I decide to make my move, there is no use in me just sitting up here all night. It’s time to have some fun.

Bending down, I draw a gun, hiding my movement behind BB’s body. I grab her arm with my other hand, letting them see my harsh grip. She starts to fight me and I lean down farther. “Get behind the wall,” I warn, before hauling her to her feet. I throw her and she falls behind the wall as I take aim and pull the trigger. I hit the big guy right between the eyes and he goes down hard, with blood blooming from the hole, but the skinny guy must have suspected something because he dodges to the side and the bullet goes through his arm.

Swearing, I shoot again, raining down hell, but he slides behind the corner and before I know it my gun clicks and it’s empty. I toss it at the wall and grab the other one at my hip and wait, standing with my legs parted as I keep aim at the corner he’s hiding behind.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he shouts and I hear more yells, obviously other guards coming to see what the shots were about. I need to end this quickly. Striding around the corner, I come face to face with him and he yells and pulls the trigger. The bullet rips through my thigh as I squeeze the trigger, my bullet hitting home and going straight through his chest. He gasps and slumps over as blood starts to pool underneath him.

Guards flood the hallway, all with guns aimed my way. I hold

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