Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,41

hands and I have the proof."

I let that absorb in as I take a sip of the fruity and expensive wine.

"You can prove that the accountant is stealing from us?" he asks, leaning forward with a gleam in his eye. This isn’t new information for him, that's for sure.

"Yes, but I have conditions," I state, sitting forward and matching his posture.

"Name them," he orders.

"I get to kill the bastard, he’s mine. You can do whatever you like to his body afterward and the money, I want none of it. I'll even give you the guys who helped him."

"All you want is him? Why?" he questions curiously.

"I'm going to make him suffer and then I’m going to kill him," I answer with a flirty grin, sipping the wine again.

He laughs, sitting back. "A woman after my own heart, but you see, I'm afraid I can't let you do that. He helps me, brings me the money while he gets a cut. So as you can understand, I wouldn't be okay with you killing my monkey."

"You're a silent partner," I murmur, dropping the glass to the table as a numb feeling starts to spread through my body.

"Yes. I’ve been stealing from Valkov for years. I was the one who convinced the new accountant, your husband, to help me. He really is very easy to manipulate. So, that leaves me with you. You know too much, so you’re a complication. What to do?" He taps his chin in thought as I gasp.

My tongue has gone numb and it feels like I can't swallow. My head starts to spin. "You drugged me?" I gasp.

"'Fraid so. Something you should learn about our business, Dawn. Don't trust anyone." He grins, tipping his glass at me.

I’m pissed as hell and I can’t even speak anymore, trapped in my own body. The bastard drugged me. I can't wait to fucking kill him. It's my last thought before I tumble from the chair and everything goes black.

Something is wrong.

The sun set two hours ago and there is still no sign of my little monster. Pacing in the darkness in front of the fountain at the park, I look at the moon for the hundredth time that hour, praying it gives me strength. When I find her, I am going to smack her arse raw, and if anyone has touched her, I am going to rip them limb from limb and offer their souls to her.

The jittery feeling coursing through my blood doesn't go away. In fact, it is getting worse. I can barely feel her, the connection is dimmed. My body is fighting me, wanting to change and tear through the city until I find her, but I have to be smart about this. I can't rely on our connection to get me to her. Instead, I will have to retrace her footsteps, because nothing hides from me in the dark.

Especially not my mate.

I wake up slowly and my head hurts, but the rest of my body feels okay. I check all my limbs to make sure no one has cut any off. Hey, I’ve watched CSI, people do weird things. Opening my eyes sluggishly, I’m greeted with nothing but darkness. I raise my hand and feel along my head, until I notice a large lump on my skull, and it’s on the same side I fell out of the chair. The bastards didn't even catch me.

I flop onto my back and feel along the cold, hard floor until my hand meets something metal. Stroking upwards, I realise it’s a bar. I’m in a fucking cage.

Sitting up, I growl when a chain jangles with the movement. My eyes have finally started to adjust to the blackness and I can make out the silver chain tied to a hoop in the floor and linked around my ankle. I blow out a breath and push my messy hair back behind my ears, before checking I still have on underwear. Yay for me, I do.

I get to my feet and begin to explore the cage. It's not very big, barely big enough to lay down flat in. Tilting my head, I scent the air but all I can smell is mould and salty air.

"Hey pricks!" I yell, because no way am I waiting for them to be all dramatic and keep me waiting, I have a date with Nos.

"Shh," comes a small voice.

"Someone else here?" I ask loudly.

"Shut up, you’re going to make them come back," another voice hisses, almost feminine.

"How many

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