Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,34

at my body like an old friend until, with a muted roar, my wings burst from my back, spreading across the clearing with the wide wingspan. My lineage afforded me a large dragon form even if my powers, as my father called them, weren't traditional. He called me an omen. The only dragon to ever eat souls, to blow darkness from my snout, not fire. The darkness from beyond coming to either save, or kill us, for our deeds. I guess he finally got to see which when we fell.

Raising my muzzle to the sky, I suck in the air, tasting the wind as I push off and soar into the cloud above. Darkness once again walks the earth—will I save or will I destroy this time? Only time will tell.

Straddling my Harley, I pull on my helmet. I could have taken my car but I prefer the freedom of the bike, and I can almost burst from it at a moment’s notice if there is an attack. It offers a quick getaway, something you need around the council. The engine rumbles beneath me as I head through the city and onto the road leading through the surrounding forest.

The council chose to live alone, out here, secluded. They say it’s for safety, but I think they retreated from this world. Choosing to send out their minions like me to do their work for them, while they sit in their castle, moving around pawns like the world is a chessboard.

I let the air soothe my nerves, which are clambering with every mile closer I get to their dominion. At least in the city I am free from their prying eyes in a way, but here I have no choice except to play their games.

When I drive up outside the wrought iron gates, I pull off my helmet and stare into the camera as the scanner reads my blood work and processes it. With a click, the gates slowly open and I pull through. Not bothering with parking or heading to the garage, I leave my bike at the bottom of the steps leading to the monstrosity that is their base.

A fountain sputters to life behind me as I face the big, double cream doors, two pillars frame it on either side. A mix between castle and mansion, it has two turrets on each side of the massive sixty room house. With two council meeting rooms, a dungeon, a gym, a training center, and much more. For most it's a haven, a place they dream of coming. Of getting a job within our ruling body. For monsters like me it's a trap, a nightmare of softly spoken barbs and punishments.

The doors open and Yoln, the council’s bitch, steps out. His sour face pursed in disgust as he takes me in from top to bottom.

“You are late,” he scolds, before turning and marching back inside.

This should be fucking fun, let's hope they haven't decided to finally kill me. I would hate to get blood on my new boots.

Walking through the city, I let our bond guide me. Our mating link has only gotten stronger with each touch, kiss, and shared power transfusion—something I don't think she even knows she is doing. This morning I had planned to tell her what she was, but when I woke she had already left. I didn't hear her, a testament to how much power and energy she took from me last night during our lovemaking.

Leaving the body of the man whom the room belonged to on the floor, I double-checked to make sure there was nothing left behind to link us to his death. Not that they would find us anyway. She is dead and I don't exist, but blood and hair can be used for far worse reasons. Not to mention if the humans tested it, it would create panic. Some know we live among them, but we have a treaty of sorts, a protection. We stay out of the light and out of trouble, and they pretend we don’t exist.

When the room was clean, well, apart from the dead man, I left in search of her. She needs to know what she is so she can tackle the growing and hunger pangs, which will result from her new form. It’s been a long time since I have even heard anyone mention of her new form, so this is new to me. From what I remember, they are powerful, but with that power comes the need

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