Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,32

meeting. I wonder if Nos is still at the hotel? Probably not, he wouldn't want to be caught with the body. Not that he would care, but he’s probably out here lurking somewhere, stalking me. The thought sends a thrill through me as I sip the overpriced champagne, an evil thought coming to mind. He could definitely help me pass the time if I can find him.

Game on monster, and this time, I’m the hunter.

The plane is waiting for me like Mike said it would be, I guess the vampire can be good for something. Pulling the stolen truck over at the open hangar on the small, private runway, I get out and leave the keys inside. I slam the door behind me, and cover the distance between the car and the plane in four big strides. The man, who is clearly waiting for me, cowers before me. I take a big sniff and realise he is human—what was Mike thinking? He looks like he is about to piss himself.

“Mister, er...” He looks down at his phone, making me narrow my eyes. I don't have time for this.

“Dume,” I grit out, my nose ring heating from the steam, which is almost pouring from my nose at this point. My need to get to my mate so extreme, it’s all that’s driving my beast and me.

“Erm, yes Mr. Dume. Do you need me to get your bags? We can be in the air within the next thirty minutes, all pre-flight checks—”

“Stop talking,” I order as I push past him, and climb up the stairs and into the plane. It's posh, I'll give the bastard that. Business must be good.

It has six plush seats spread out along its length, two of them facing the front and the other four facing each other. All in accents of cream and gold. There is even a mini bar at the back with a door, no doubt leading to the bathroom. Choosing a seat farthest in the back and away from the humans, I slide into it grimacing as the seat creaks under my weight. It's not comfortable, not for a guy my size, but it will do. I’ve had a lot worse, that is for sure, I can handle this. I can handle anything as long as it gets me to her.

“Mr. Dume, Mr. Tireno said you would want this,” the out of breath man addresses me as he drags a large, black bag down the aisle. Panting, he drops it at my feet with a thud. I incline my head and he runs back to the front of the plane, shutting the door and heading to the cockpit, giving me the privacy and silence I so desperately want.

Going from imprisonment to all the smells, sounds, and sights of this world is taking its toll. My head is pounding, my skin feels tight, and my beast wants out—to explore.

Rolling my shoulders, I crack my neck before leaning down and unzipping the bag. I grin when I spot my weapons—the only thing I have ever owned—laying in wait for me. Not bad, blood sucker. I will have to remind myself to thank him, since not just anybody could have gotten these for me. No doubt the witches took them and hid them away. I stroke the stained and tarnished pummels of my two dadao swords. The gold was inlaid by the very best, a gift from my queen for winning every match. A matched pair, like she called her and me. One of the only times she gave me anything of meaning, not just more nightmares and scars.

“Here, my warrior. I got you something,” she murmurs, sliding from the silk sheets and tying the long, blood-red robe closed at the middle. It gapes at the top, showing off her ample chest. Something I know she is doing on purpose. The sight should arouse me, but I am nothing but a bull for her. Something to fuck, her walk on the dark side. To get out all her base impulses. At first I was flattered, but she soon made it clear she thought of me as nothing but an animal. Another toy for her to fuck, and then kill in front of her people. The anger and resentment burning through me is treacherous, something I can never let out, not with the bindings on me. Instead, I show her through my fucking how much I hate her. How easily I could kill her if not for her

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