Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,19


“You fucking wanker, you think you can just—” I cut off his threat by placing my forearm on his neck and pushing down, his breath stops as he chokes. I let him hang there, between life and death, before releasing the pressure a bit. He sucks in a breath and starts coughing, clawing at my arms pitifully to try and escape. The terror now rolling off him makes me grin, I feed on it like a vampire does blood, I love the taste on my tongue.

“Where. Are. They?” I whisper out loud this time.

“Please, I can get you money, I—”

I press again, but this time I reach down with my other hand, palming a knife and holding it to his junk. “You have one chance to tell me before I make you a eunuch. You will bleed to death in five minutes exactly. Now, when I remove my arm, you will speak.”

He nods and I release the death grip on his throat.

“I’ll tell…I’ll tell you,” he gasps out between coughs and I let him, not moving or saying anything. “And you will let me go?” he begs.

My grin is hidden in my hood. “Yes.”

“They are held on the south side, dragon neighbourhood. Warehouse 41.” He stumbles away and into the wall, clutching his throat as his eyes dart around the alley, no doubt his bodyguards have noticed his absence, and I’m betting he is thinking they will come and save him.

I walk towards him slowly and his eyes bug out of his head. “You said you would let me go!”

“I lied.” I dart forward, blurring to him in my mist form, only to appear right in front of him. “Boo,” I whisper and he screams, making me laugh before I rip out his throat with my bare hand.

I hear the noise of a gun and footsteps before a bullet rips through my shoulder. Stupid, I wasn't paying attention, instead watching the light dim in the sheep's eyes and loving it.

I turn to mist again, blurring through the alley and becoming corporeal before the bodyguard on the left. I grab the gun and bend it, throwing the useless weapon at the wall before blurring and appearing behind him.

I slit his throat and blur again, circling the other man. He’s sweating now, his arm holding the gun shaking as he swings wildly, trying to spot me.

“I am here,” I whisper into the wind and he swallows hard, starting to back away.

Laughing, I appear in front of him, our noses touching. I cut from throat to balls and watch as he gasps and screams, the light slowly leaving his eyes as his insides drop to the dirty alley floor.

Stepping back, I slide my phone from my pocket, walking away without looking. “Clean up, West Side, Street 78 and third. Three sheep dead. Screams heard.”

The man on the other side starts swearing as I end the call, before sliding the phone back into my pocket. My wings spread from my back and I take a running start out of the alley, swooping into the sky. The tug is still there and as I head down south of the city it gets strong, almost making me fall from the sky with its intensity. I can’t help it. I drop from the sky and stand in an alley.

I don’t know how long I stay there, caught between the need to hunt and the need to see her. The sky is lightening and it’s early morning when she steps out of the expensive building, home to the rich and powerful and often corrupt of the city.

There she is. She looks around before sliding into a cab and leaving me here, watching her, wanting her.

That glimpse is enough, I am lost.

I am hers.

My mate.

Winking at the reception boy on the way out, I step outside to catch the cab a businessman is about to get in. Grabbing the door before he can, I throw my bag in the back. I hear him winding up for an argument and I look over at him and grin. He stutters and steps back with a small smile.

Humming to myself, I slide in and shut the door on the bewildered looking man. “Downtown, please.” Picking up the papers I found in the safe, I flick through for something. When I find what I’m looking for I grin. “546 Rosewater Way.”

“Nice neighbourhood,” the old, chubby man comments as I lean back in my seat.

“True, maybe I’ll stay there awhile.” He offers me a

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