Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,16

me. Well at least that’s one thing. I hear the toilet flush and busy myself cleaning up in the sink the best I can. The guy struts back out but freezes when he spots me. He stares at me in confusion before looking around the toilet.

"Fuck, I gotta stop drinking on the job," he mutters, too low for any human to pick up, but I do. Hiding my smile, I wait until he leaves before shutting off the sink and strutting back out. The same poor receptionist kid is gawking at me, obviously as confused as the waiter, but I just wink and stroll to the elevator like I own the joint.

He doesn't stop me, probably wondering if he was seeing things when I first walked in. Slipping into the private wooden and gold elevator, I hit penthouse and enter the code. Humming along to the elevator music I debate my next step. First, I need pants. Now, I hate pants as much as the next person, but I’m starting to get strange looks with my lady jane hanging out, plus it’s super breezy.

The elevator stops with a jerk and the ding sounds, and the golden-mirrored doors open up straight into the penthouse. I peek out of them, but when I spot the mess left behind, I snort. Typical.

People are passed out everywhere, waiters, servers, men, and prostitutes. Lingerie is flung around, as are other assortments of clothes. The leftover food covers every surface, as does empty bottles and glasses. Looks like they had one hell of a party after hiding my dead body.

Strolling through I grab a half drank bottle of vodka and start swigging. I tilt my head and grin, as I grab a bag Tim keeps in the hallway cupboard. I begin to gather up all the weapons I can find as well as clothes, because why the fuck not? I woke up naked, so should they.

Leaving my stash by the front door, I make my way down the hallway humming to myself. Our, no, his bedroom door is open so I slip inside. Well shit, I grin and snap a picture. How adorable. Tim is cuddled around two of his men, don’t get me wrong I like a bit of man on man at the best of times, but he’s obviously hiding it for a reason and you never know when it will come in handy.

I quickly pack up as much shit as I can and sneak out before they wake up. Tim’s office doors stands open and I hesitate for a moment before shooting back the vodka and pushing my way in.

I stroll around, running my hand over the spines of books until I accidentally catch one and it falls out, and something matte black hides behind it. Well, well, well what do we have here? I carefully remove the others and stack them on the side, grinning when I spot the hidden safe. What a shit place to hide it, it’s like the first place people look.

I press random numbers, guessing them, but it keeps blinking red. Shit. I need to get out of here before they all wake up and come up with a plan, but I really want to know what’s so important he feels the need to hide it in his protected penthouse apartment.

I look at my hand on the safe and grin, I do seem to have more strength than before. Hell, I held that guy up without breaking a sweat...I wonder.

Gripping the lever I yank with all my strength and go flying on my ass, with the door clutched in my hand. I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out, I could get used to this shit. Throwing it to the side I jump to my feet, grinning.

“My precious,” I murmur, and stick my head into the safe. “Well, well, well what do we have here?”

I stack up the money and jewels, planning to take them, but the folders and paperwork I flip through catch my attention. My smile growing as I look at each one.

“Oh, you have been a bad boy Timmy.”

I grab it all and humming my way through the apartment, I shove it into my bags at the door. Now, I need to figure out somewhere to stay while I plan my next step. A plan forms in my head as I grab my bags and ride the elevator down to the reception floor. I slip into the bathroom and shimmy into a short black dress

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