Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,146

to plan his escape. I know he’s playing weak and will try and make a break for it once he realises the nice boy act won’t work. The grave is nearly done when he decides to do it—after over thirty minutes of us all ignoring his cries and pleas.

He jumps from the grave, using the shovel, and runs at me. Stupid.

I grab it mid-swing, stopping it in the air and throw it away. He stumbles back and looks around for another exit. Once he realises he has no way out, his shoulders drop before rounding. He lifts his head and sneers at me—ah, there he is. The husband I know and hate.

“Well, I’ll be honest. You always were a stupid slut, couldn’t even stay dead right.” He laughs and I hold my hand up when I feel Griffin and Nos moving in. “What, are you going to kill me? You don’t have the balls,” he spits out, stepping closer.

Before, I would have cowered, maybe even crawled at his feet begging for mercy from the beating I knew was coming. Now, I am cold and filled with rage.

“Do you want to know what we did to you when you died?” he asks, grinning.

A part of me shrinks away, but I won’t let him see that. There is nothing he can do to hurt me anymore and his words are just that—words.

“We fucked you real good, everybody who wanted a fucking turn in that whore body of yours,” he starts, and I zone out, letting him rant. He finishes finally, looking mighty pleased with himself.

“You know what’s fun?” I ask. “I made you dig your own grave.” I dart forward and turn him with my hand on his head. I force him to his knees in front of it. He tries to get back up, but I push him down.

“Maybe I’ll let the wolves fuck you as you die,” I snarl.

When I look up, I spot all the animals in the trees, their eyes reflecting there. I don’t know if any are shifters, but it doesn’t matter. They are here because Nos is. Our defenders, our watches.

“I wanted you to suffer, I wanted your pain and screams, but now? I don’t care, I just want you gone like a bug under my shoe. You are nothing to me, not a threat, not a worry. Just nothing,” I admit honestly.

Grabbing the knife, the same one he used to kill me, from the back of my jeans, I shove it into his back before pulling out and stabbing him again. He screams and falls forward into the grave as I watch, with the knife at my side. He struggles, only making the blood flow faster. Words and spit stream from his mouth, but I ignore them all as he starts to weaken.

“Fuck…you,” he gasps, and I know they will be his last words.

His eyes stay locked on mine, filled with hate and defiance, even until they are empty and lifeless. His body is pale and already turning blue as the blood seeps into the dirt below—like an offering.

I thought I would feel better with his death, but I was wrong, I just feel empty. I turn to the two men who make me feel whole. The pride and anger on their faces makes me smile.

“Let’s go home.” I grin.

They nod, each grabbing a hand as we make our way back through the forest to the car. I hear the animals already ripping into Tim’s body and I grin.

When we reach the treeline, new lights hit us and I freeze as three cars block ours in. A door opens and booted feet hit the ground.

It’s the last thing I see before magic hits me right in the center of my chest, stopping my heart. Dropping to my knees, I feel Nos and Griffin fighting next to me, but my eyes close without my permission and all there is, is the black again.

When I wake up, I’m tied to a table. My hands are bound by chains glittering with magic. The man from the meeting, no longer in the old man disguise, sits opposite me, watching me curiously. The cloying scent of feathers and rosemary hits me, making me sneeze.

“I have been tracking you,” he starts.

Relaxing on the table, I make sure to show nothing. I know he wouldn’t have killed Nos or Griffin, he needs them alive for information.

“Ever since your little act at the meeting. Tell me, how did you do it?” He leans

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