Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,121

stretch my hands higher as he reaches out, our fingertips brushing. I can hear car horns now, smell the ground. He screams and I close my eyes.

I feel his arms wrap around me, knocking my breath away, and my eyes fly open. Looking down, I spot the ground mere meters away and I glance back up to see his face strained as he beats his wings, trying to get us up and away from the ground. He yells, his arms tightening as we shoot upward.

He falters in the air from the strain and we drop again, but this time he turns mid-air, keeping his back to the ground I can see rushing towards us. He grunts when we hit the roof of a building, sliding slightly before stopping.

Both of us are breathing heavily, staring at each other in amazement before his expression clouds over and turns to anger.

“What the fuck, Dawn!” he yells, like I was the one who dropped me.

I snort and lean down, dropping a kiss on his parted lips. He freezes and I pull away, rolling to the roof next to him. I stare at the sky and work on slowing my heartbeat.

“Never doubted you,” I joke.

He jumps to his feet with his hands in his hair as he paces, muttering to himself. I sit up and place my head on my knees. He screams and turns to me, his whole body shaking with the power and anger running through him.

“Why do you care? Why are you pushing this so much?” It sounds angry, but underneath I can hear him struggling to understand, and that’s when it hits me. He probably has never experienced love, he doesn’t know why or how. For him, I’m just another person in a long line waiting to hurt, betray, or use him. My poor Griffin. Jumping to my feet, I face him and lay it all out, it’s the only way he’s ever going to understand.

“You forget, I was alone when I died. I met death and no one cared, no one even stopped...no one noticed. So whatever the fuck this is, fate, dumb luck, even just chance, I don’t give a shit. I’m going to grip it with both hands and let it warm me through, because I never want to feel the cold, dark touch of death and be alone again. I would endure any pain, any wrath. Let your rage wash over me, face your crazy and hurt, and still stand. Now, the question is, why don’t you want this so much?” I ask, finally letting the hurt into my voice. I know I’m not the best mate, hell, I’m a monster, but I’m the only one they are going to get and it hurts that he keeps turning away from me so much.

“Are you really going to give up a chance of happiness, or having someone there, someone at your back, because you’ve been hurt before? Boo fucking hoo, shit happens. Not loving someone, or being alone doesn’t stop that person from getting hurt. It just means you aren’t there to see it. You’ve seen cities built, technology advance, and yet you’re too dumb to realise the only thing we have in this fucking world is each other,” I finish, my chest rising and falling quickly as I get everything out before he tries to speak.

I suck in a breath and shout, “Yes, call me all the names you want Griffin. Curse me, leave me to do whatever you want to make yourself feel better. To make sure your walls stay up and you never get hurt. In the end, it won’t matter. What will is who’s beside you when the end comes. Like I trusted you just then, I knew you would always catch me. You need to learn to trust me because, baby, I am never going to drop you,” I promise.

The panic on his face is adorable as he watches me like a lost little boy and his wings droop behind him as he faces down his worst fear—trusting someone.

“Why, why, I need to know why!” he screams, stopping before me, his eyes filled with his own special brand of Griffin madness. I embrace that too.

Stroking the side of his face, I let him see the truth in my eyes. “I know you don’t believe me, not yet, but you will. We stick together, us monsters. I will never judge you, not for you madness or your anger, and you will stand by me

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