Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,116

one last look before following Ashera.

The fae and I walk in silence back to the bridge, and what I have just found out sits heavily on my shoulders. There is no denying it anymore, someone is hunting us, I just wish I knew who and why.

When we reach the halfway point of the bridge, Ashera stops and I mirror him. “If someone is strong enough to get in and out without us noticing. They are powerful, really powerful,” he concludes.

“They are, that makes them dangerous, but one thing I have learned in my life, brother, is that powerful people are the first to fall.” We both stare out into the forest lost in our own thoughts.

“Your mate, how did you know?” he finally asks.

“I felt complete, like a piece of me that was missing finally came home. Looking into her eyes didn’t make me want to give her the world, it made me want to walk across it by her side. Love is easy, a fleeting things. There are different types, the one you fight, the one that hurts, and the one that is forever. She is the forever kind.” I shrug.

He doesn’t say anything, but I see the confusion on his face and clasp his shoulder. “Brother, may I give you some frank advice?”

He nods, turning his eyes to me. “Don’t fight it, I saw the way you two looked at each other and I know you well. If it was a fling, you would ignore it, but this goes deeper. You love her. As we are finding out, we are not as immortal as we thought we were, do not waste that time. Love deep and love hard.”

He nods. “I’m scared,” he admits, and that in itself nearly staggers me.

“Good, that means it’s real. Fear means you are alive. The strongest warriors use that fear, they do not let it control them. Even a warrior has a heart, Ashera—make her yours.” I pull away, leaving him to his thoughts as I head to the barrier.

“Be safe, brother,” he calls.

“And you,” I reply, before I step over the magic and back into my own forest.

As soon as my bare feet hit the soil, I am running. The sky is almost dark—I am too late. I can feel it.

Little Monster, I am coming. Hold on.

Once I’m dressed and my hair is dry, I head downstairs. When I don’t spot Griffin anywhere, I open the door to the basement to check down there. When I reach the bottom, I spot him preparing a bag of weapons. Ray is still tied in the corner, with his eyes open and wide as he watches Griffin. I raise my eyebrows at the gag tied over Ray’s mouth and walk over to Griffin.

He ignores me, even when I hop up on the gun range table next to him. “Why is he gagged?” I ask curiously.

He grunts but ignores me. “Griffin, why is he gagged?” I repeat, my voice harder.

He sighs, drops the gun he was playing with and looks over at me. “Because he wouldn’t shut up and it was either that or cut his tongue out.”

“Okay.” I shrug and he looks at me in confusion.

“Okay?” he echoes and I nod, swinging my legs back and forth. “Why okay?” he asks slowly, like it might be a trap.

“Well, he’s going to die anyway, I don’t care what you do to him.” I shrug again and I hear Ray struggling in the corner, screaming behind his gag. “Shut up, Ray Ray or I will cut off your balls one at a time and make you eat them,” I threaten, before turning back and smiling at Griffin.

“Let’s do this, shall we?” I inquire and he nods, watching me intently, and when I jump down he actually jolts.

He follows behind me, throwing me looks every now and again when he thinks I can’t see. Kneeling before Ray, I wag my finger. “If I take out the gag, you aren’t going to scream, are you?”

He shakes his head, his eyes filled with fear, but I can almost taste the lie, making me tut. “If you do, I will let Griffin cut out your tongue,” I say sweetly, and he stops moving, his eyes swinging to Griffin before he swallows and nods his understanding.

Pulling the material from his mouth, I let it drop to his neck. He swallows and licks at his lips as he watches me.

“Now, Ray. I’m going to need to borrow something from you,” I tell him

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