Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,109

still sleeping? She’s my whole fucking world. I have searched every corner of this universe for her and no one will keep her from me. I won’t be there today, but you will. Put your feelings aside, because if she gets hurt...” I trail off, letting him see how serious I am.

He grins. “What are you going to do, God?” he mocks.

“I wouldn’t kill you, no matter how much you crave it. No, I would keep you alive. I would torture you for centuries until that mind of yours finally falls all the way into madness. Until you are nothing but a fucking animal on a leash. I will make whatever the council and Gabriel did to you seem like a fucking tea party. Griffin, I wouldn’t kill you, I would destroy your world and you. Keep her safe, or I promise you to the heavens and back— you will regret it.”

Without waiting for his response, I climb to my feet and leave him alone with his thoughts. One day he will regret the way he treated her, but he needs to realise that all on his own. Who knows, maybe he is too broken, too fucking mad to have a mate, but that is not up to me. The fates have a plan for the fallen and somehow it involves Dawn.

Getting on the bike I drove here, I kick it into gear, and with one last look at the window that leads to Dawn, I turn the bike and roar away into the early morning air. The city isn’t busy at this time, and I make it through and into the forest roads with ease. Following the winding road, I speed up, loving the feeling. The only way it could be better is if my mate was on the back, with her arms wrapped around me. One day, one day I will show her my land.

When I reach the easily hidden dirt road, I slow and head down the beaten path to my cave. If you didn’t know your way, you would easily get lost, and humans are known to perish out here from nature reclaiming them.

I spot the cave up ahead and ride in before turning off the ignition. Leaving the keys there, I strip off my clothes and fold them. You cannot go to the fae in your human form, they wouldn’t show you the way or allow you in their sacred places. They seek the truth, even while they find ways to twist it. It is their weakness. They cannot lie, so they expect everyone else to follow that rule, and to them human skins seem like a lie.

Stepping back, I let the change come over me, switching to my full monster form, as they call it. The skull transforms on my face, and my knees widen and bend as hooves climb where my feet once were. I feel my antlers sprout from my head, my bones stretching and elongating as my whole body changes. It is over in seconds, and I crack my head from side to side before leaving the cave.

Making my way through the forest, I greet the animals I pass along the way. The fae lands are connected to mine, and through our friendship they told me to class it as mine as well, but to me it is always their land. Looking up at the sun, I groan. Being late to a fae meeting is never a good start, especially if they are feeling attacked.

I pick up speed and race through the forest. Tree branches move out of my way, and I knew every log, every twist, and turn, so it’s easy going and within thirty minutes I have covered the two hour walk.

Slowing back down, I stop at the edge of their territory, the glamour they keep on it still intact before me. To humans and other supernaturals, it would simply look like a broken bridge with no way around it. They would also get the intense feeling to leave, and fear would race through their body as it does mine now—another byproduct of their glamour and wards to keep outsiders away.

Pushing past it all, I step onto the bridge and it all falls away, leaving me back to my normal self. If I was not welcome, I would have been killed or possibly just thrown back depending on the strength. If invaders still made it through, there were fae guard stationed at each entry point to their land. Their

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