Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,101

air rushing through the cabin.

A noise catches my attention and I turn to look at the opening, where flames are licking the side of the plane. I turn back to the front and refuse to close my eyes. If I am to meet death today, I will do it with my eyes open and a curse on my lips.

We hit something hard, sending me bouncing in my seat, before we touch down again and again. I shoot forward when the brakes are applied and I have to grip my seat to avoid being thrown out. The plane turns to the left, tilting dangerously before we right ourselves.

We slam to a stop and the engines overheat until the whole cabin feels like it is on fire. I rip off my seat belt and jump from my seat, throwing my bag over my shoulder. Striding to the cockpit, I grab both pilots, ignoring their yelling and incredulous noises, and leap from the hole in the plane.

Landing on both feet, I start to run, the sounds of the plane catching fire close behind me. So close I can feel the heat singeing my back before an explosion rocks the air.

I’m thrown forward and I quickly turn so I don’t crush the humans. Landing hard on my back, my breath is knocked out of my from the impact and I lay there for a minute trying to breathe before pushing to my feet. The plane is on fire, and its smouldering remains are still shrouded by the storm.

It looks like a boiling cloud around it, with lightning snaking out, and thunder rumbling within it, yet the air and sky everywhere else is clear. It slowly starts to dissipate, and the clouds are sucked back up until nothing but the fire and the corpse of the plane remains.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see both dazed pilots climbing to their feet, with their eyes locked on the fireball that they were inside not seconds before.

“You’re welcome. Call Carmichael, tell him to get our location and get me another form of transport,” I order.

When they don’t move, I step closer with a growl before the one on the left yanks out his phone and starts dialling. Fucking witches. That was close, too close. They are getting brave, first a demon and now a circle? What will they do next?

They will never stop, I know that. They can’t, not after I took their queen from them.

Putting the phone on speaker, which took me more tries than I would like to admit, I place it on the dash and wait for Jean Paul to pick up. He does, on the fifth ring, sounding out of breath.

“Sir?” he greets.

“I need directions,” I say bluntly.

“Erm okay? Where to?” he asks.

“A ship, I need to know where it has made port. It is called The Witch’s Delight. It’s usually around here somewhere,” I growl out.

I had thought I could find it by myself, but after driving for five hours and only getting farther and farther away from my mate, I have given up and enlisted the help of Jean Paul.

“I’ll look, let me call you back,” he offers, his voice already distracted, and I quickly end the call before looking back at the road I’m on.

I’m hoping the witches who run it are still about, but it should have been passed down through their family at least, and they are the only ones I can think to go to. They have no affiliation with the council or other supes, and their main concern is money. They sell their services to buyers, travelling the world with their wares. They don’t even hide what they are and have been around as long as I can remember. All I will need to ensure their loyalty is money and I have plenty of that, but time is running out.

The storm is circling, I can feel it. My mate, the hunters, I’m running out of time.

Not two minutes later, my phone rings again. I answer without looking and Jean Paul’s excited voice blasts through the speakers.

“I found it, and I tracked your phone, you aren’t far. I will text you the address, simply click on it and it will open in your navigation. Anything else you require, sir?” he asks.

“No, thank you. Be careful, it seems I have more enemies than I thought,” I warn, it would be a lot of work to find a new human to serve me and he seems like a nice boy.


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