Midnight Alley(39)


      Into the alley. The alley into which everybody, Gramma Day included, had told her not to go. The alley with the trap-door spider vampire who'd tried before to lure her inside. 


      Gramma pulled herself to her feet. She was a tiny, wrinkled woman who looked as dry and tough as old leather. Had to be tough, to be old in Morganville, Claire thought. "You all right, girl?" she asked. 


      "Yeah, " Claire said. "Thanks. I'll -- I'll be back. "


 She headed off down the alley. Behind her, Gramma Day called out, "Girl, what you playin' at? Ain't you got good sense?"


      Probably not. 


      The alley was narrow, with fences on both sides, and it seemed to get even more narrow the farther she went, like a funnel. She didn't feel any strange attraction, though, or hear voices. 


      She also didn't see Sam. 


      "Here, " a voice said, as she turned a slight corner. And there he was, leaning back in a patch of black shade next to an overhanging doorway, which was attached to what looked like a shack. Not a really well-made shack, either. Claire wondered if it was supposed to lean like that. 


      "It's Myrnin, " she said. "He's the trap door spider. "


      Sam looked thoughtful at that, and then nodded. "Most people know not to come down this way, " he said. "He only takes Unprotecteds. He can tell the difference, so he wouldn't try it with you. Not now. "


      Cheery. Sam opened the door, which didn't look sturdy enough to keep out a cool breeze, and stepped inside. A smell washed out into the still air, something old and bitter. Chemicals. Ancient paper. Unwashed clothes. 




      Claire sucked in a breath that tasted of all those things, and stepped into Myrnin's lair. 

rence, so he wouldn't try it with you. Not now. "


      Cheery. Sam opened the door, which didn't look sturdy enough to keep out a cool breeze, and stepped inside. A smell washed out into the still air, something old and bitter. Chemicals. Ancient paper. Unwashed clothes. 




      Claire sucked in a breath that tasted of all those things, and stepped into Myrnin's lair. 


      Claire sucked in a breath that tasted of all those things, and stepped into Myrnin's lair. 

rence, so he wouldn't try it with you. Not now. "


      Cheery. Sam opened the door, which didn't look sturdy enough to keep out a cool breeze, and stepped inside. A smell washed out into the still air, something old and bitter. Chemicals. Ancient paper. Unwashed clothes. 




      Claire sucked in a breath that tasted of all those things, and stepped into Myrnin's lair. 

      Myrnin was in a mood. A good mood.