Midnight Alley(32)


      "I'm in, " Michael said, and took a manful bite of spaghetti.


 Claire wondered if it burned him. "I think if I'm with you, there's no way she can keep us out. Vampire VIP status. Might as well be good for something. "


      Shane looked at him, and for a second there was that warmth that Claire missed so much, but then it was gone again, and the wall was back firmly in place between the two of them. 


      "Must be nice, " he said. "We should all go, if it's going to ruin Monica's night. "


      The finished the rest of the meal in uncomfortable silence. Claire realized that she kept thinking about that red velvet box sitting upstairs in her room, and struggled not to look guilty. Probably didn't succeed. She caught Michael watching her with a strange intensity; whether he was picking up on her discomfort or still wondering about why she didn't jump at the chance to go to Monica's party. 


      She ate too fast, cleaned her dishes, and dashed upstairs with a mumbled excuse about homework. Well, it wasn't like they weren't used to her studying. It was Shane's turn for dishes, so that would keep him busy for a while .... 


 The box was right where she'd left it, sitting on the dresser. She grabbed it, put her back against the wall, and slid down to a cross-legged sitting position as she weighed the box in her hand. 


      "You're wondering whether or not to wear it, " Amelie said, and Claire yelped in surprise. The elegant older vampire, completely at her ease, was seated in the antique old velvet chair in the corner, her hands folded primly in her lap. She looked like a painting, not a person; there was something about her -- now more than ever -- that seemed antique and cold as marble. 


      Claire scrambled to her feet, feeling stupid about it, but you just didn't sit like that in Amelie's presence. Amelie acknowledged the courtesy with a graceful nod, but didn't otherwise move. 


      "I apologize for surprising you, Claire, but I needed to speak with you alone, " she said. 


      "How can you get in here? I mean, this is our house, aren't vampires ... ?"


 "Prevented from entry? Not into another vampire's home, and even were you all human, this house ultimately belongs to me. I built it, as I built all of the Founder Houses. The house knows me, and so I need no permissions to enter. " Amelie's eyes glinted in the dark. "Does that disturb you?"


      Claire swallowed and didn't answer. "What did you want?"


      Amelie raised one long, slender finger and pointed at the velvet box in Claire's hand. "I want you to put that on. "


      "But -- "