Midnight Alley(29)

      "Fine, " Claire said. She wondered if she looked spooked. She hoped not, but even if she did Eve was looking at Michael, and he was looking back, and she was safe from any kind of major inspection while they were making eyes at each other. 


      Until she turned, and ran into Shane, who'd come in the kitchen door behind her. The package felt hot and heavy in her right hand, and she took an involuntary step back. 


      Which hurt him. She saw the flash of it in his eyes. "Hey, " he said. "You all right?"


      She nodded, unable to speak, because if she said anything it would have to be a lie, and she didn't want to lie to him. Shane stepped closer and put a warm hand on her face, and it felt good, so very good that she leaned into it, then further, into his arms. He made her feel small and loved, and for just a second, what was in the package in her hand didn't matter. 


      "You're working too hard, " he said. "You look pale. School okay?"


      "School's fine, " she said. That wasn't a lie, school was definitely not what scared her anymore. "I guess I need more sleep. "


      "Just a few more days until the weekend. " He kissed the top of her head, bent closer, and whispered, "My room. I need to talk to you. "


      She blinked, but he was already stepping back and heading out the door. She looked over her shoulder at Eve and Michael, but they were happily talking as Eve adjusted the flame under the pots, and they hadn't noticed anything. 


      Claire shoved the package into her backpack, zipped it up, and followed Shane upstairs. 


      Shane's room was very utilitarian -- his bed was never made,though he made an attempt as she came in to straighten out the sheets and toss the blanket over it. Couple of posters on the wall, nothing special. No photos, no mementos. He didn't spend a lot of time here, except to sleep. 


      Claire leaned her backpack against the wall and sat down next to him on the bed. "What?" she asked. If she'd expected a wild pre-dinner make-out session, she was disappointed. He didn't even put his arm around her. 


      "I'm thinking of leaving, " he said. 


      "Leaving? But Eve's making dinner -- "


      He turned and made eye contact. "Leaving Morganville. "


      She felt a surge of utter panic. "No. You can't!"