Midnight Alley(18)

      "You on your way to class?" Monica continued brightly. "Too bad, I'd buy you a mocha or something. "


      "I -- uh -- yeah, I've got class. " Claire edged around and tried to descend the steps, but Monica got in her way. Monica's smile was friendly, but it didn't really warm up her big, pretty eyes. "I'll be late. "


      "One thing, " Monica said, and lowered her voice. It occurred to Claire that it was almost the first time she'd seen Monica alone, not flanked by Gina and Jennifer, not trailing an entourage of The Popular. "I'm having a party on Friday night. Can you come? It's at my parents' house. Here's the address. " Before Claire could react, Monica pressed a slip of paper into her hand. "Keep it quiet, all right? I'm only asking the best people. Oh, and wear something nice, it's formal. "


      And then Monica was gone, breezing by her up the steps, where she fell in with a group of girls and went into the UC's glass atrium chatting and laughing. 


 The best people? Claire eyed the slip of paper, thought about throwing it away, and then shoved it in her pocket. 


      Maybe this was a golden opportunity to convince Monica that she wasn't ever going to be anything like a friend. 


      She headed out for class, moving quickly, but keeping her eyes peeled. When she spotted the guys she was looking for, she veered off the sidewalk and onto the grass. 


      Gamers. Nerds. They sat around outside most of the afternoon moving counters around on complicated-looking boards and rolling dice. She'd seen them every day for weeks, and in all that time she'd never seen any kind of girl with them, or even approach them. In fact, they stared at her when she cleared her throat like she was an alien from one of the planets on their game board. 


      "Hi, " she said, and thrust out the slip of paper. "My name's Monica. I'm having a party on Friday night. If you guys want to come. Tell your friends. "


      One of them reached out and gingerly took the slip of paper.


 Another snatched it away from him, read it, and said, "Wow. Really?"


      "Really. "


      "Mind if we hand it out to some people?"


      "Knock yourself out. "


      Claire headed off to class.