Midnight Alley(10)

      "She sounded like she really kind of meant it. It took a lot for her to come eat crow like that. "


 Eve shot her a look. One of those looks, doubly effective coming from a girl wearing rice-powder makeup and flawless eye liner and black cherry lips. "In Monica's world, being friends means doing whatever Monica wants, when Monica wants to do it. Somehow, I can't see you as one of her brain-dead backup singers. "


      "No! That's not -- I didn't say I was going to be her friend, just -- you asked. " Claire crossed her arms and settled back in the bucket seat of Eve's ancient black Caddy, shooting for a stubborn look. "She's not my friend, okay? You're my friend. "


      "So when Monica starts bringing the in-crowd to hang at your study table, you'll get up and leave? No way. You're too nice. Before you know it, you're tagging along with them, and then you start to actually feel sorry for them. You'll tell me how Monica's not bad, she's just misunderstood, and before you know it you're braiding each others' hair and giggling over boy bands. "


      Claire made a retching sound. "I wouldn't do that. "


      "Please. You like everybody. You even like me. You like Shane,and let's face it, Shane's kind of an idiot, at least right now. " Eve's eyes narrowed as she thought about that. "And about Shane, I swear, if he doesn't snap out of it I'm going to punch him in the face. Well, punch him in the face and then run like hell. "


      Claire played that out in her head, and nearly laughed. Eve's best possible punch wouldn't do more than surprise Shane, she figured, but she could just picture the wounded look of confusion on his face. What the hell did I do?


      "I'm not popular, " she declared. "Monica's not my friend, and I'm not hanging with her, ever, end of story. "




      Claire held up her hand. "Swear. "


      "Huh. " Eve didn't sound convinced. "Whatev. "


      "Look, if we're friends, how about buying me a mocha?"


      "Mooch. "


 "You're the one with the job. "

