Last Breath(14)

"Eve, don't do this."

She smiled, but it wasn't a happy kind of expression. "How long has this been going on?"

Michael said nothing. Naomi, on the other hand, leaned forward and said, very earnestly, "I've been coming here for almost two months."


Michael shut his eyes and rubbed his temples, as if he had a monster headache. "Eve, you don't - "

"Understand? I'm sure I don't. Why don't you tell me? Because finding you all cozied up with a blood-drinking hottie on the couch two days before our engagement party doesn't send the wrong message at all."

"I'm not cozied up with her!"

Naomi laughed, just a little. "Indeed, he isn't," she said. "If I may explain . . . ?"

"Take your best shot," Eve said. The muscles in her jaws were tight, and she gripped the back of the chair she was straddling so hard that Claire thought she might snap it off - and then stake somebody with it.

"As I'm sure you're aware, there's discontent among some of the vampires with the idea that you and Michael should marry," Naomi said. "There is reason for this."

Eve stared at her in utter silence. Naomi waited for comment, but got nothing.

"Not only that," the girl continued, "I know that human society is not the same as it was when we were . . . among their numbers, but by our immortal standards a marriage is an alliance, and you, dear Eve, are allying yourself to the descendant of an ancient and important bloodline. There are many who believe that by marrying you, Michael confers upon you a great deal of . . . power. Implied power, if not actual. Giving this to a human is . . . controversial."

"Oh, so you're just giving us advice. I got it. Nice of you two to involve me in the discussion so thoroughly . . . Oh, wait."

"You think I am lying about my presence here?" Naomi's perfect eyebrows rose in disbelief. "Do not think it; I beg you. In fact, I have been acting as Michael's advocate. Your advocate," Naomi said. "I have standing in the vampire community, and I have been acting as peacemaker, if you will, to allow your marriage to go forward, should you still wish it. I came to tell Michael that I believe my blood-sister Amelie has been persuaded to give her blessing to the union."

Claire cleared her throat. "Oliver just told us there was no way it was going to be allowed to happen."

"Oliver is my most difficult opponent," Naomi said. "And he is persuasive, I must admit. I have spent a great many hours trying to convince him of the rightness of my cause, to no good effect. I finally decided to go directly to my blood-sister and hope for the best."

Eve was clearly still not buying it. She was staring holes in the other woman, lips compressed into a flat, angry line.

Michael said, very quietly, "You think it worked?"

"I can't be completely certain. Amelie is, first and always, a ruler, and a ruler keeps her own counsel on all things. But she was most gracious and understanding. I believe that I have convinced her of the importance of allowing this union to occur."

"Thank you," he said, and stood up. A step took him close to where Eve straddled the chair, and her head tilted to look up at him. She kept the exact same expression. "Do you really think I was screwing around on you with her?"

"Why not?" Eve asked flatly. "Vamp girls are hot. Even I can see that."

Naomi blushed again. "I am not interested in Michael in that way," she said. "I am sorry you think me capable of doing something so underhanded. And . . ." She seemed at a loss of what to say for a moment, then looked down at her clasped fingers and said, "And he is not what appeals to me, I am afraid."

"How could he not be your type?" Eve asked, momentarily distracted, and Claire was actually wondering the same thing because Michael was just . . . yeah.

Naomi didn't answer; she just stared hard at her lap, and Shane was the first one to get it, though how he did, Claire couldn't really tell. He said, "Because her type is more like you, idiot."

"More like - Goth?"

"More like girls."

Naomi glanced up, and Claire caught a flash of relief on her face. "In my youth it was not looked on with favor," she said. "It is still difficult for me to speak of it."

"Oh," Eve said, in an entirely different tone of voice. "Oh. You're g*y."

Naomi nodded slowly.

"I could kiss you right now," Eve said, and then immediately held out a hand. "I mean, in gratitude, you know? You're really pretty but - Oh man, I just totally screwed that up." Eve took a deep breath and turned back to Michael. "Did you know she was g*y?"