Feast of Fools(10)

      It rangagainto voice mail. Claire left another hurried, half-desperate message to come to the house, please, we need your help, and hung up. She looked mutely at Eve, who sighed and took the phone, then dialed another number. 


      Yeah, hi, she said when she got someone on the line. Let me talk to the boss. A longish pause, and Eve looked like she was steeling herself for something really unpleasant. Oliver. Its Eve. Dont bother to tell me how nice it is to hear from me, because its not, and this is business, so save the BS. Hold on. 


      Eve handed over the phone to Claire. Frowning, Claire mouthed, Are you sure? Eve made an emphatic thumb-and-little-finger phone gesture at her ear. 


      Claire reluctantly took the call. 


 Oliver? she asked. On the other end of the line, she heard a low, lazy chuckle. 


      Well, he said. The owner of Common Grounds, the local coffee shop, had a warm voicethe kind that had made her think he was just an all-around nice guy when shed first met him. If it isnt little Claire. Eve didnt want to hear it, but Ill tell it to youits nice that you turn to me in your moment of need. It is a moment of need, I assume? And not an invitation to socialize?


      Someones here, she said as softly as she could. In the house. 


      The warmth drained out of Olivers voice, leaving a sharp annoyance. Then call the police if you have a prowler. Im not your security service. Its Michaels house. Michael can


      Michael cant do anything about it, and I dont think we should call the cops. This man, he says his name is Mr. Bishop. He wants to talk to Amelie, but I cant get her on the


      Oliver cut her off. Stay away from him, he said, and his voice had grown edges. Do nothing. Say nothing. Tell your friends the same, especially Michael, yes? This is far beyond any of you. I will find Amelie. Do as he says, whatever he says, until we arrive. 


      And Oliver hung up on her. Claire blinked at the dead phone, shrugged, and looked at her friends. He says do what were doing, she said. Take orders and wait for help. 


      Fantastic advice, Shane said. Remind me to stock a handy vampire-killing kit under the sink for times like these. 


      Well be okay, Eve said. Claires got the bracelet. She grabbed Claires wrist and lifted it to show the delicate glitter of the ID bracelet circling ita bracelet that had Amelies symbol on it, instead of a name. It identified her as property, someone whod signed over life and limb and soul to a vampire in return for certain protections and considerations. She hadnt wanted to do it, but it had seemed like the only way, at the time, to ensure the safety of her friends. Especially Shane, who was already on the bad side of the vamps. 


      She knew that the bracelet could bring its own brand of hazard, but at least it obligated Amelie (and maybe even Oliver) to come to her defense against other vampires. 


      In theory.