Dead Girl's Dance(4)

      Sweet sixteen. Mr. Collins smiled again, or tried tothe scar pulled the right side of his mouth down. Never been kissed, Ill bet. 


      She felt her face go red. Couldnt stop it, or keep herself from looking at Shane. Shanes jaw was set tight, muscles fluttering. He wasnt looking at anything in particular. 


      Oho! So its like that. Well, you watch yourself around the jailbait, my boy. Still, Shanes dad looked weirdly pleased. My names Frank Collins. Guess you figured out that Im this ones father, eh? Used to live in Morganville. Ive been gone a few years now. 


      Since the fire, Claire said, and swallowed hard. Since Alyssa died. AndShanes mom? Because Shane had never said a word about her. 


      Molly died later, Mr. Collins said. After we left. Murdered by the vamps. 

      Eve spoke for the first timea soft, tentative voice. How did you remember? About Morganville, after you left town? I thought nobody did, once they left. 


      Molly remembered, Mr. Collins replied. Little bit at a time. She couldnt forget Lyssa, and that opened the door, inch by inch, until it was all there. So we knew what we had to do. We had to bring it down. Bring it all down. Right, boy?


      Shane nodded. It didnt look like agreement so much as a wish not to get smacked for disagreeing. 


      So we spent time preparing, and then I sent Shane here back to Morganville to map the town for us, identify targets, do all the stuff we wouldnt have time to do once we rolled in. Couldnt wait any longer once he yelled for help, though. Came running. 


      Shane looked sick. He wouldnt look at Eve, or Claire, or Michaels body. Or his father. He juststared. There were tear tracks on his cheeks, but Claire couldnt remember seeing him cry, really. 


 What are you going to do? Claire asked faintly. 


      First thing, I guess we bury that, Mr. Collins said, and nodded toward Michaels shrouded body. Shane, best you stay out of the way


      No! No, dont you touch him! I want to do it!


      Mr. Collins gave him a long frowning look. You know what were going to have to dohe glanced at Eve and Claireto make sure he doesnt come back. 


      Thats folklore, Dad. You dont have to


      Thats the way were going to do things. The right way. I dont want your friend coming back at me next time the sun goes down.