Dead Girl's Dance(15)


      But you have got a plan. 


 Yeah, Michael said. I have a plan. 


      When Eve came back from the bathroom, Michael put his finger to his lips again, unlocked the door, and walked them across the hall. He reached behind the picture frame and pushed the hidden button, and the paneling creaked open to reveal one of the secret rooms of the Glass House. Amelies room, Claire remembered. The one the vampire liked the best, probably because there were no windows and the only exit was from a concealed button. How weird was it to be living in a house builtand, really, ownedby a vampire?


      Inside, Michael whispered. Eve. Cell phone?


      She patted her pockets, held up a finger, and dashed back to her room. She came back holding it up. Michael hustled them up the narrow staircase, and the door hissed shut behind them. No knob on this side, either. 


      Upstairs, the room was just as Claire had last seen itelegant Victorian splendor, a little dusty. This room, like all of the house, seemed to have a sense of something present in it, something just out of sight. Ghosts, she thought. But Michael seemed to be the only ghost, and he was as normal as could be. 


      Then again, the house was alive, kind of, and it was keeping Michael alive, too. So maybe not so normal. 


      Phone, Michael said, and held out his hand as he sat down on the couch. Eve handed it over, frowning. 


      Just who are you planning to call? she asked. Ghostbusters? Its not like we have a lot of options. 


      Michael grinned at her and pressed three keys, then activated the call. The response was nearly immediate. Hello, 911? This is Michael Glass, 716 Lot Street. I have intruders in my house. No, I dont know who they are, but there are at least three of them. 


      Eves mouth flopped open in surprise, and Claire blinked, too. Calling the police seemed sonormal. And so wrong. 


      You might want to tell the officers that this house and its occupants are under the Founders Protection, he said. They can verify that, I guess. 


 He smiled and hung up a moment later, handed the phone back, and looked very smug. 


      And Shane? Claire asked. What about Shane?


      Michaels self-assurance faded. Hes making his own choices, he said. Hed want me to look out for the two of you first. And the only way I can do that is to get these guys out of my house. I cant protect you twenty-four/sevenin the daytime, youre vulnerable. And Im not going to float around and watch while you get He didnt finish, but Claireand Eveknew where that was going. They both nodded. Once theyre out of the house, I can keep them from coming back, unless Shane lets them in. Or one of you, though I cant see that happening.