Dead Girl's Dance(14)


      Claire looked over her shoulder. A pile of black and red netting stirred, and Michaels blond head appeared. He sat up, brushing off Goth, and silently held up a pair of black lace panties. Thong. 


      Hey! Eve yelped, and grabbed them from his fingers. Personal! Andlaundry!


      Michael just smiled. For a guy whod been stabbed, hacked up, and buried less than twenty-four hours ago, he looked remarkably composed. Im not even going to ask what you wore them with, he said. Its more fun to imagine. 


 Eve snorted and gave him a hand up. Shanes taken our new boyfriend downstairs. What now? We cant exactly shimmy down a drainpipe. 


      Not in fishnets, you cant, he agreed, straight-faced. Get changed. The less attention you attract from these guys, the better. 


      Eve grabbed a pair of blue jeans from the floor of the closet, and a baby-doll T that must have been a gift; it was aqua blue, with a sparkle rainbow over the chest. Very not Eve. She glared at Michael and tapped her foot. 


      What? he asked. 


      Gentlemen turn around. Or so Ive heard. 


      He faced the corner. Eve stripped off her spiderweb-lace shirt and the red top beneath, and stepped out of the red and black tartan skirt. The fishnets were garterstotally sexy. Not a word, she warned Claire, and rolled them down. She didnt take her eyes off of Michael. There was red burning hot in her cheeks. 


 Dressing took thirty seconds, and then Eve grabbed up the scattered clothes, the garter belt, and the fishnets, and stuffed them into the closet before saying, Okay, you can turn around. 


      Michael did, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. He was smiling slightly, eyes half-closed. 


      What? Eve demanded. She was still blushing. Dont I look stupid enough now?


      You look great, he said, and crossed to kiss her lightly on the lips. Go wash your face. 


      Eve went to the bathroom and shut the door. Claire said, Youve got some kind of a plan, right? Because we dont. Well, Shane thinks we should let his dad do whatever, and run, but Eve doesnt think its a good idea


      Its suicide, Michael said flatly. Shanes dad is an idiot, and hes going to get Shane killed. You, too.