Carpe Corpus(33)

"You never ask us. You want us all to pretend that we're still children. We're not, Grandmother. I know you and Grandpapa can't accept that; I know you don't want to let us go, but we can make our own decisions."

Mrs. Goldman seemed not to know what to say. Theo looked very thoughtful, and then nodded. "All right. I'm listening. What decision have you made?"

"To stay here," Jacob said. "We're staying here." He looked down at his brothers and sisters, who all nodded - some reluctantly, though. "You can go if you want, but we're not letting Bishop drive us out. And no matter what you say, that's what you're doing. You're just saving him the trouble of exiling us."

"If exile was what I was worried about, I would agree with you. It isn't."

"You think he'll try to kill us?" Jacob shook his head. "No. It's not the old days, Grandpapa. Nobody's hunting us here."

"If I have learned anything in my long life, it is that someone is always hunting us," Theo's wife said. "Now sit down, Jacob. The rest of you, sit down. We'll have no more of this. You're being rude in front of our friend."

Claire wanted to apologize, somehow; Jacob shot her a borderline-angry look, but he dropped back in his place on the floor, shoulders slumped. She'd never thought about it, but she supposed for a lot of vampires Morganville was about as good as it could get - no looking over your shoulder, waiting to be discovered. No worrying about putting down roots, making friends, having some kind of a life.

"Theo," Mrs. Goldman said, and nodded toward the door where they'd come in. "I hear someone coming."

"She has better ears than I do," Theo confessed to Claire. "Stay here. I will let them in."

"But - "

"Stay here. There's nothing to fear. You'll be with your young man soon."

He left, shutting the door behind him. Mrs. Goldman drifted quietly over to speak to her children and grand-children in a low, urgent voice - the way moms always talked to kids who were throwing tantrums in front of company - and Claire was left not quite knowing what she ought to do. If they had managed to bust Shane out of jail, well, that was good, wasn't it? Maybe not according to Amelie's plan, but that didn't make it a bad thing. Not automatically.

Claire took her cell phone out and speed-dialed the Glass House. No answer, at least not on the first three rings.

On the fourth ring, she thought she heard someone pick up, but it was drowned out by a warning cry from Mrs. Goldman from behind her.

The door smashed open, and Theo came flying through, crashing into Claire and sending her to the floor. The phone skittered out of her hands and underneath the shadowy bottom of an old, upholstered chair. She couldn't breathe; Theo's shoulder had hit her in the stomach, and as she struggled to get her muscles working again, she saw black spots swimming at the edge of her vision. Her whole body felt liquid and hot, and she wasn't sure what had just happened, except that it was bad. . . .

Mrs. Goldman vaulted over Claire's body and grabbed Theo, who was feebly trying to right himself. She pulled him back into the corner, with the children, and fearlessly stood in front of all of them, fangs flashing white as she faced their enemies.

"Now, don't be doing that," said a honey-dark voice from the doorway's shadows. "There's no need for violence, is there?" The light caught on the vampire's face, and Claire felt sick. Ysandre, Bishop's icky little pet slut. She was dressed for business just now, in black leather pants and a long-sleeved heavy jacket with a hood. She could have been drawn in black and white, except for the slash of red that was her mouth. "Got something for you, missus."

She reached back, grabbed two people by the hair, and propelled them both inside. It was the Goldmans' other son and daughter, Clarence and Minnie. Vampires didn't often look beaten up, but these two did, and Claire felt a little sick at the sight of the fear on Mrs. Goldman's face.

"Let them go," she said. "Children! Come here!"

"Not so fast," Ysandre said, and yanked on the hair she was holding. "Let's talk about this first. Mr. Bishop is not too pleased with your family breaking its word to him. He allowed you to stay here, alive and free, and in return you were supposed to stay out of his business. Did you stay out of his business, sugar? Because it really doesn't look like you did, since you sent these two fine children of yours to try to break his enemies out of jail."

Claire stopped moving at all. She was curled on her side, still struggling to breathe, shaking, and now it felt like the whole world was crashing in on her. Try. Try to break his enemies out jail.

They hadn't done it. Shane was still a prisoner.

Ysandre hadn't come alone. She shoved the Goldman boy and girl over into the arms of their mother, and behind her a solid army of vampires filled the darkness. "Didn't know about this place," Ysandre remarked. "Didn't know it had a tunnel going right up under it, anyway. That's real convenient. Didn't even have to take a sunburn to get to you." She brushed her shiny hair back, and as she did, her gaze fell on Claire. She gave her a slow, deadly smile. "Why, lookit. It's little Miss Perfect. Oh, I think Mr. Bishop is going to be very disappointed in you."

Claire tried to get up and almost fell. She wasn't hurting yet, but she knew she would be. Bruises, mostly, maybe a couple of strained muscles.

Theo Goldman caught her. He'd gotten to his feet when she wasn't looking, and now he helped her stand up. At close range, she saw the misery in his eyes before he put on a fake smile for Ysandre's benefit.

"I suppose we will be going with you," he said. "For another interview with our benevolent master."

"Some of you will," she agreed. "And some of you won't." She snapped her fingers and pointed at Claire. Two big, muscular vampire guys lunged from behind her and grabbed Claire by the arms to haul her off. When Theo protested, they shoved him back with his family. "I want to introduce you to an old friend of Mr. Bishop's. This is Pennywell. I believe you may already be acquainted, though."

As she was dragged out of the room, into the dark open area of Common Grounds, Claire passed the stranger she'd seen in Bishop's office on her birthday. He - she? it was hard to tell - walked past Claire as if she didn't exist, heading into the room where the Goldmans were being held.

"Wait!" Claire yelled. "What are you going to do?"

Pennywell didn't even pause. Ysandre looked back and winked at her.