Bitter Blood(5)

Eve plucked the card from her fingers, stared at it with a completely blank expression, and then turned her attention to the letter that had come with it. "'Dear Mrs. Michael Glass,'" she read. "Seriously? Mrs. Michael? Like I don't even have a name of my own? And what the hel is this about his being my Protector? I never agreed to that!"

"And?" Claire reached for the letter, but Eve hip-checked her and continued reading.

"'I have enclosed your new Morganville Resident Identification Card, which allhuman residents are now required to carry at alltimes so that, in the unlikely case of any emergency, we may quickly contact your loved ones and Protector, and provide necessary medical information.'" Eve looked up and met Claire's eyes squarely. "I cal bul shit. Human residents. With blood type listed? It's like a shopping list for vamps."

Claire nodded. "What else?"

Eve turned her attention back to the paper. "'Failure to carry and provide this card upon request wil result in fines of-' Oh, screw this!" Eve wadded up the paper, dropped it on the floor, and stomped on it with her boots, which were certainly made for stomping. "I am not carrying around a Drink Me card, and they can't ask for my papers. What is this, Naziland?" She picked up the card and tried to bend it in half, but it was too flexible.

"Where did you put the scissors...?"

Claire rescued the card and looked at it again. She turned it over, held it under the strongest light available-the window-and frowned. "Better not," she said. "I think this is chipped."

"Chipped? Can I eat it?"

"Microchipped. It's got some kind of tech in it, anyway. I'd have to take a look to see what kind, but it's pretty safe to say they'd know if you went allpaper dol s with it."

"Oh great, so it's not just a Drink Me card; it's a tracking device, like those ear things they put on lions on Animal Planet? Yeah, there's no way that can go wrong-like, say, vampires being issued receivers so they can just shop online for who they want to target tonight."

Eve was right about that, Claire thought. She really didn't feel good about this. On the surface, it was just an ID card, perfectly normal-she already carried a student ID and a driver's license-but it felt like something else. Something more sinister.

Eve stopped rummaging in drawers and just stared at her. "Hey. We each got one. Four envelopes."

"I thought they were only for human residents," Claire said. "So what's in Michael's?" Because Michael Glass was definitely not human these days. He'd been bitten well before Claire had met him, but the ful -on vampire thing had been slow-building; she saw it more and more now, but deep down she thought he was still the same strong, sweet, no-nonsense guy she'd met when she'd first arrived on the Glass House doorstep. He was definitely still strong. It was the sweetness that was in some danger of fading away, over time.

Before Claire could warn Eve that maybe it wasn't the greatest idea, Eve shredded open Michael's envelope, too, yanked out the inner one, and pul ed out his letter. Another card fel out. This one was gold. Shiny, shiny gold. It didn't have any info on it at all. Just a gold card, with the Founder's symbol embossed on it.

Eve went for the letter. "'Dear Michael,'" she said. "Oh, sure, he gets Michael, not Mr. Glass.... 'Dear Michael, I have enclosed your card of privilege, as has been discussed in our community meetings.'" She stopped again, reread that silently, and looked down at the card she was holding in her fingers. "Card of privilege? He doesn't get the same treatment we do."

"Community meetings," Claire said. "Which we weren't invited to, right? And what kind of privileges, exactly?"

"You'd better believe it's a whole lot better than a free mocha at Common Grounds," Eve said grimly. She kept reading, silently, then handed the paper stiff-armed to Claire, not saying another word.

Claire took it, feeling a bit il now. It read:

Dear Michael,

I have enclosed your card of privilege, as has been discussed in our community meetings. Please keep this card close, and you are welcome to use it at any time at the blood bank, Bloodmobile, or Common Grounds for up to ten pints monthly.

Wow, it really was good for free drinks. But that wasn't all.

This card also entitles you to one legal hunt per year without advance declaration of intent. Additional hunts must be preapproved through the Elders' Council. Failure to seek preapproval will result in fines of up to five thousand dollars per occurrence, payable to the family's Protector, if applicable, or to the City of Morganville, if there is no Protector on file.

Best wishes from the Founder,


For a moment, Claire couldn't quite understand what she was reading. Her eyes kept going over it, and over it, and finally it allsnapped into clear, razor-sharp focus, and she pulled in a deep, shaking breath. The paper creased as her grip tensed up.

"Yeah," Eve said. Claire met her gaze wordlessly. "It's tel ing him he gets a free pass to kil one person a year, just on a whim. Or more if he plans it out. You know, like a special treat. Privilege." There was nothing in her tone, or her face, or her eyes. Just...blank. Locked down.

Eve took the paper from Claire's unresisting hand, folded it, and put it back in the envelope with the gold card.

"What-what are you going to say to him?" Claire couldn't quite get her head adjusted. This was wrong, just...wrong.

"Nothing good," Eve said.

And that was the precise moment when the kitchen door opened, and Michael stepped inside. He was wearing a thick black canvas cowboy-style duster coat, broad-brimmed hat, and black gloves. Eve had teased him earlier that he looked like an anime superhero, but it was allpractical vampire sun-resistant gear. Michael was relatively still newborn as a vampire, which meant he was especially vulnerable to the sun, and to burning up.