Quiet Chaos - Keta Kendric Page 0,107

as we began our limping march towards the house.

When the door popped open, the maid took one look at us making our way to the front door, and her mouth fell open and remained that way as she failed to regain control of her shocked expression. She had apparently lost her words but recovered enough to step aside and swing the door all the way open.

Since my top was ripped, I held the two torn edges together to keep from flashing Arjen’s staff my tits. My bra hooks were also ruined and no longer worked. Arjen’s crisp thin-striped button-up was wide open as the buttons were still somewhere in the car. The area near the neck of the shirt was ripped, and he was sporting a prominent impression of my teeth.

His dress shoes were making a weird dragging sound along the concrete driveway. He definitely had trouble in one of his legs as his natural long stride was a bit choppy.

Thankfully, he had placed his hand on my back atop that spot that was most sore. I’m sure he was more than likely keeping my spine from sliding out of my spinal column and hitting the ground.

He had cum inside me so hard and long, it continued to leak, making my jeans stick to me since I was unable to find my panties to put them back on. I felt bad for whoever would get the job of detailing that car.

Our aim was to take a quick shower and meet the group in the study, but when we ambled carefully through the front door, the group were all sitting around the living room, enjoying whatever Mrs. Kattie had given them to snack on.

One glimpse at Arjen and me and all conversation ceased. A quiet stillness greeted us instead of our guest. One of Arjen’s guards, who was in the process of putting food up to his mouth, froze. Pieces of whatever he was about to eat were falling back onto the plate as his mouth remained open while he stared.

Khane, who I never expected to see surprised, wore it like a mask on his face, his brows raised high on his forehead. Desiree was sitting beside him, staring from our heads to our toes with a huge smirk on her face. They had even managed to wrangle up Marshawn, Torch, and Shockey to represent the Black Saints.

Had I known this would be a full-on staff meeting, I would have requested to go through the garage. I was going to kill Arjen, because he knew, or had an idea of what we were walking into.

“Need a minute?” Khane asked.

A huge grin was plastered on Arjen’s face.

“Yes. We could use a few,” he answered for us, placing his hand on my back once more, preparing to lead us in the direction of our bedroom. We would have to trek past the crowd, dragging shoes, showcasing our ripped clothes, and sexually devoured bodies, in order to reach our destination.

My feet were glued to the floor, and it took Arjen’s gentle shove to get me moving. The crowd didn’t hide that they were gawking. Loose titties, wet pussy, and halfway ripped out of my clothes, not much embarrassed me, but this situation had my face hot.

Once we cleared the crowd and made it into the nook that led up the stairs, I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

“Oh my God. Was that embarrassing or what?”

“Nope, not at all. If anybody had any questions about us, they got answers tonight,” he had the nerve to say. I slapped him playfully across the arm, shaking my head.

What was I going to do with Arjen Vallin?


We were supposed to take a quick shower so that we could discuss business and the issue of the Vallins and the syndicate being targeted by the Black Saints, and the Black Saints being targeted by the Cardenas Cartel, or however the circle of doom went.

Our shower ended up turning into an episode of Mecca lighting a candle and us in the tub together, rubbing each other’s sore spots and every other spot in between.

Now, here we were, thirty more minutes of making everyone wait, walking into the group like nothing had happened.

“Sorry to make you wait, guys. Husband and wife business is hard work.”

Mecca punched me in the shoulder as the group laughed at us. Before we took our seats, Mecca went over and gave Desiree a hug, which turned into a huddle of them whispering and giggling.

Khane shot me a

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