Quiet Chaos - Keta Kendric Page 0,104

me seated, he closed me into the car and took a leisurely walk around the vehicle, taking in our surroundings. He climbed in and fired up the car before easing us down the trail. His strong hand covered my thigh almost instantly.

I enjoyed the attention he lavished on me because I believed it was genuine. After the Julie dragging situation, we’d agreed to be honest and respectful of each other, and so far, Arjen was racking up a lot of husband points.

His hand slowly moved up my thigh, instantly pulling a knowing smile from me. The lingering hunger his kiss had ignited was starting to flare back to life.

“Pull over,” I ordered, glancing in his direction. No question, no comments, he slowed and pulled the car off to the side of the road. We parked on the narrow edge, made mostly of grass and fallen pebbles from the surrounding trees. The road was cut within a valley of trees that sat on either side of the road. Heavily clothed with fat leaves, the thick branches climbed up the thick crowd of hills and formed a never-ending set of gossamer curtains.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I unsnapped my seatbelt and tossed it aside before I hopped the center console and climbed into his lap. Tongue glossing across tingling lips, eyes piercing and heavy with lust, anxious hands already stroking my body, Arjen was down for whatever came next.

We went at each other like ravenous animals, pawing, rubbing, and biting while he was sliding the seat back. We were bumping into the ceiling, banging against the glass, and knocking into the door as we fought our clothes. I was attempting to rip his clothes off as he was tearing at mine.

“Are we insane to be this lustful after what we just did?” My voice was heavy with hot need.

“Hell, no. We’re human. And hot for each other,” he whispered as his tongue sliced hot across my neck, leaving a burning trail of need. Done with toying with his buttons, I caught hold of each side of his shirt and ripped it apart. Buttons pinged against the glass of the window and door panel of the vehicle.

“I like when you take charge like that. Shows me how much you want me,” he said as he grabbed my expensive blouse, mimicking what I had done to him, and ripped mine open. A wicked laugh spilled free before my tongue went searching for his. The heat in the confined space of the car added another thick layer to the passion that spilled from us.

“Back seat,” I suggested, hating to leave, but climbed from his lap. Thankfully, he was in his Mercedes that was large enough for us to at least move around inside. The back seat was the only space large enough for me to stretch out enough to get my tight jeans off.

One of my heels was left in Arjen’s lap as I climbed between the seats and into the back. My harsh breathing filled up the space of the car, adding to his.

He eased back in the seat, attempting to take his pants down, but his tall frame inside the car wasn’t going to allow him to get far without standing. Laying across the back seat, I fought to get my pants off, shouting, “Thank God,” when I was free of them. My jeans and other heel, I tossed on the back floor. I completed the task by stripping away my bra and top and tossing them into the front seat.

Arjen glanced back, and it appeared he was about to say something until he saw me butt ass naked with my legs spread open. My feet were propped up on the back of each front seat to flash him the Brazilian wax I had gotten the day before.

“I’m coming, love. Shit, you’re hot.”

He was talking and making his way into the back after readjusting the front seat. It wasn’t until he turned and started to wedge his wide shoulders between the two front seats that we gathered he wasn’t going to fit.

He sprang his door open, got out, and walked to the back. He snatched the back door open before dropping his pants down to his hips.

The sight of his long, thick, and raging hard dick had me damn near drooling. I laid my back against the opposite door panel, dropped my legs open in invitation, and watched him climb into the back with me.

Thankfully, the road was an isolated one, because he

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