Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts #5) - Cynthia Wright Page 0,60

of her life story.

“You and your father came from Flanders to live in London?” Cicely exclaimed. “Perhaps our paths crossed there.”

“I doubt that, my lady. We were not part of your world.” She shook her head. “For several years, Father oversaw the tapestry repair workshop that is part of His Majesty’s Great Wardrobe. As you may know, the king moves among his castles and palaces every few days, it seems, and most of the royal tapestries go with him.”

“I’ve never understood why the king is so restless,” exclaimed Cicely. “It creates so much work for the rest of his household!”

“Indeed. And Father’s real gifts were wasted. Eventually, he was granted the title of weaver, but most of the new tapestries are still being acquired from workshops in Flanders and France.” Nora shrugged philosophically. “Eventually, the King of Scots made Father an offer he found irresistible. They are going to weave grand tapestries in a new workroom at Stirling Castle, and Father is the master weaver.”

Cicely leaned closer to the loom, studying the way the colored weft threads had been woven into the grid of plain warp threads, then beaten down with the bobbin to create specific areas of color. “This is exquisite. No doubt your husband will be astonished when he returns and sees how you have brought his drawing so vividly to life.” She straightened and met Nora’s eyes. “What of you and your aspirations?”

“I want to become the first royal master weaver who is also a female,” Nora replied without hesitation. “It has been my dream since I was a child.”

Cicely clapped her beringed hands together. “Hear, hear!”

“My father, who knows my abilities better than anyone, has warned me it cannot be.”

“But he is a man!” The countess’s tone implied that this explained everything. She leaned closer. “When we are in London, I will help you. I know Jan Mostinck, who oversees the royal tapestries. He’s very old, and no doubt he needs assistance.”

Nora wanted to hug her new friend. “I know Master Mostinck but never imagined he might see me. It was one thing to work alongside my father, in his workroom, but quite another to imagine that those who are in power in the Great Wardrobe would welcome me, alone, a mere female, into the fold.”

“You know well enough that, since the monasteries have been dissolved, the king has the funds to do as he pleases. It amuses him to acquire riches, especially precious tapestries.”

“Yes, I do know that.” Nora’s heart was racing. For the first time since Lennox had gone away to help with the shipwreck, she felt able to focus on herself as an individual. “I would be very grateful for any help you can give me when we are in London, my—”

“Cicely! When we are together, you must call me Cicely. I will be delighted to assist you, Nora. Are we not friends now?”

Was it really possible? She wondered, feeling rather dazzled. “I would certainly like that… Cicely.”

“Let us go and see what Tilly has for us to eat.” She linked arms with Nora and led her to the doorway, inquiring casually, “How does your splendid Highlander husband feel about having a wife with grand ambitions?”

Nora tried to keep her tone light. “We will see when we reach London, I suppose!”

* * *

Two afternoons later, Nora looked up from her weaving to see a stream of golden light pouring through the long, narrow window. The sun was shining at last! Rising, she left her loom and lifted her deep violet skirts to hasten her progress up the winding stairs. The moment she emerged onto the rooftop, she turned toward the sea and saw a large birlinn sailing toward the castle, the colorful MacLean coat of arms billowing from the mast. Her heart leaped as she realized Lennox was coming back to her. The prospect of being in his arms again made her feel dizzy.

Laughing, Nora waved to the vessel with both hands. The two guards on the roof walk stared at her in bemusement, but she didn’t care. “That’s my husband out there,” she explained, as giddy as if she had been drinking wine.

Turning, Nora hurried back down the steps and into the great hall, where she glanced around for Cicely. There was no sign of her, but Nora paused beside Fergus and crouched down to ruffle his fur. “Your master returns, as well as your friend Lennox,” she told him, wishing the old dog could rise and run at her side to Copyright 2016 - 2024