Quest of the Highlander (Crowns & Kilts #5) - Cynthia Wright Page 0,116

Lennox. “I have been waiting for an opportunity to speak to you,” the Frenchman said. He sent Nora a smile and added, “Both of you.”

The hall quickly grew crowded with MacLeod clansfolk, hounds, and children, so Lennox found a corner where they could sit together on a bench and talk. He was filled with affection for St. Briac, who had brought Fiona home to Skye to see her grandfather one more time before his departure.

“You are looking quite splendid in that clan brooch,” St. Briac remarked, leaning back against the stone wall. “Yet I cannot help wondering what this means for your future. Do you and Nora intend to make a life here on Skye? Will you now become a warrior against the MacDonalds?” He glanced toward Nora, devils dancing in his blue eyes. “Perhaps our fair Nora wishes merely to weave here in the castle, surrounded by her new relatives? No doubt Old David can teach her to make haggis.”

It came to Lennox that although Skye would always be his home, he couldn’t imagine living there with Nora. One look at her told him she felt the same. Turning back to Christophe, he said, “Do ye truly have a message to deliver, or are ye merely toying with us?”

Christophe laughed. “I do have a message. Everyone at Stirling Castle misses you both.” He turned to Nora. “Your papa has not been the same since you went away. He yearns to meet his new granddaughter.”

“What sort of villain do ye take me for?” protested Lennox. “We intend to return to Stirling for a visit. Soon.”

“And then what?” The Frenchman pushed lightly at his chest. “I suggest that you come back to stay. In fact, I have a proposal to make to you.”

Nora tightened her grip on Lennox’s hand, and suddenly it became clear that this was what she wanted.

“Tell us, please,” she said. “I confess to missing Father more than I have been able to admit, even to myself.”

“Nora, your papa needs you. I think he regrets not elevating you sooner to the position that you deserved.” St. Briac arched a brow at Lennox. “And I have an important offer for you, MacLeod. Perhaps you remember the portrait medallions we had begun making for the outer hall at Stirling Castle? Each is the head of a different person who plays a role in the king’s life. I want you to oversee the design and painting of the remaining medallions. Bayard and Grant have worked closely on the carving, so you would be collaborating with them.”

“Oh, what an inspired idea!” exclaimed Nora. Her voice caused Brienne to stir, looking around. Lennox held out a finger to her. She grasped it with both pudgy hands and gnawed on it with her gums.

Christophe stood, looking pleased with himself. “You two must talk in peace. I look forward to your decision.”

Lennox felt a stirring in his soul, as if the future were opening before him like the yellow gorse flowers along Loch Dunvegan. He met Nora’s eyes. “Tell me, love, how do ye feel about St. Briac’s proposal?”

Her face lit up. “Oh, Lennox, I think you would be a brilliant choice for that position. You’ll be creating art again! And how happy you would be to work with Bayard and Grant every day.” She paused. “I haven’t known how to say it, in case you felt differently, but I should love to be back at Stirling Castle. I don’t think I realized how comfortable I was there, working with Father, until I went away.”

“Then that is where we must live.” Lennox felt a frisson of anticipation, already imagining how he might transform the great wooden medallions into unique works of art. Nora came into his arms, her eyes agleam with emotion, and baby Brienne snuggled between them as they embraced.

“We will create a home of our own in Stirling,” Nora said.

“Aye.” Embracing his wife and daughter, Lennox leaned back against the wall and drew a deep breath of happiness. His quest had brought him back to the place where he had started, yet everything had changed. “Together, we’ll make the life of our dreams.”


Stirling Castle, Scotland

December 1542

Nora served the midday meal of cod, boiled carrots, and oatcakes with honey. No matter how busy she and Lennox were at the castle, they made a point each day of meeting in their apartments to eat together, share stories about their work, and play with Brienne.

“Your food is hot,” Nora reminded him, smiling. “It’s fish again, but Copyright 2016 - 2024