The Queen's Secret (The Queen's Secret #2) - Melissa de la Cruz Page 0,88

not just the smoke causing them. Jander’s disappearance into thin air confirms what we knew, or what we hoped. The demon who has been orchestrating terror throughout the four kingdoms is gone forever.

I’m sad, naturally, to be losing Jander. But I’m profoundly grateful to him, for ridding us of evil. He deserves to rest in peace. He deserves his freedom. Isn’t that what we all deserve?

Then something else happens when the smoke clears.

In the ashes of the demon’s body, a small golden box appears.

My eyes meet Cal’s. I know that, like me, he is thinking of the key we found in the duke’s study. “Go on,” I tell Cal, and give his hand a squeeze.

“What’s going on?” whispers the crowd.

Cal moves toward the golden box and turns the obsidian key in the lock. His hands are shaking. He opens the lid, and a brilliant flash of light bursts from its depths.

“Is it?” I ask.

His voice is barely a whisper. “The Deian Scrolls.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Cal has found the scrolls. The king bound his life to the scrolls, and when the sacred fire consumed his demon spirit, the scrolls appeared. Cal’s oath is completed. He is free. He will return them to my mother, as he promised. The scrolls will be in the safekeeping of the Hearthstone Guild, and magic returned and shared with all the people of the kingdoms. The Aphrasians have lost their leader and many of their ranks. If they rise once more, they will be matched by magic as powerful as theirs. When we return to the castle just before first light, I am so dizzy from everything that has happened that I walk without thinking down the gallery to my own chambers, trailed by Rhema and Cal, and a small contingent of guards.

“Your Majesty,” Rhema says in a pointed tone, gesturing in the opposite direction. That’s right: I’m supposed to be going to Hansen’s apartments. That is my home now, with him, my husband. At least Hansen has given me my own room for now, where Varya has been caring for me after the attack by Lady Marguerite. That feels like weeks ago. Was it really just two nights ago?

“Yes, of course,” I say, uncertain, wanting to play for time. Once I return to the king’s apartments, that’s it. I won’t be able to see Cal. I won’t be able to speak to him again—not unless Hansen is present, or the Small Council. Jander is gone, and I don’t want to lose anyone else tonight.

“Actually,” Cal says, “I need to speak to Her Majesty in private for a moment. There’s no need for us to disturb the king at this late hour. We could just step inside her former chambers here, if the guards can stand at the door, keeping watch.”

“A good idea,” I say, trying to sound brisk and regal, in charge of my own destiny.

Cal looks at me, his eyes meeting mine. I have to look away. Not yet. Not with all these guards around us; not here in a public part of the gallery. There’s something vulnerable in his expression. The sight of his face, rugged and angular, with his dark, anxious eyes, melts my heart. But I can’t do any melting until I close a door on everyone here.

“I’ll tell His Majesty that you’ve been delayed for . . . for a moment,” says Rhema. “In fact, he’s probably asleep right now. I won’t disturb him.”

“Thank you,” I say, so grateful I could kiss her. When we turned to leave the pyre earlier, her face was streaked with tears. She’ll miss Jander as well, I realized. I can’t believe I wasted so much energy and time being jealous of Rhema, mistrusting her. She’s proven herself again and again. No wonder Cal values her so highly.

And he is free now, to do whatever he pleases. To love whomever he pleases.

But even if he doesn’t love me anymore, even if he doesn’t care that I’m about to become Hansen’s wife in more than name, I want to tell him how I feel. This might be my last chance.

Rhema marches off with two of the guards to Hansen’s apartments. The other two station themselves outside my doors, and I lead Cal in. The Queen’s Secret is locked, forbidden to us forever, but here we are, together and alone. At last. We’ve walked into my almost-empty chambers through its main doors. Perhaps for the last time—I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. Everything has to change, but Copyright 2016 - 2024