The Queen's Line (Inheritance of Hunger #1) - Kathryn Moon Page 0,45

make things difficult for her…or the others," he said, echoing his warning to me earlier. "Even then, she strikes me as someone who still might try to help us. She is…she is sweet, isn't she?"

I hummed in agreement, idly playing with Wendell's nipple until he huffed and batted me away, laughing at my wicked smile.

"What would we have done if she'd been like the rest of the queen's line?" I asked.

Wendell swallowed and frowned. "It's strange to think of it now. At the time, I sort of dreaded being Chosen as much as I was determined. I didn't think the Hunger would allow for you and I to be this…comfortable. And now…"

It had to be said. One of us had to say it before the other would admit it, and I just hoped I wasn't wrong about Wendell's interest.

"Now I wish she'd call us to her bed," I said, and then stiffened for the three seconds it took Wendell to answer.

"Ugh, me too. She's so… I want to nibble on her. And every time she narrows her eyes at you, my cock seems to take it as an invitation to rise to a call she hasn't even made," Wen released in a rush of words so fast, it took me a moment to sort through them.

I laughed and pushed my long hair out of my face. "Yes. I can't decide if I want to turn her over my knee or put myself over hers."

Wen's eyebrows waggled. "Take turns and let me watch."

There. Of course we're on the same page. We always have been.

I sank down, and Wen moved his arm to pull me into his side, turning and meeting me for a long kiss.

"You can be charming, I know it," Wendell mumbled against my lips.

I pulled back and glared at him. "You're saying I'm the obstacle?"

Wendell only laughed and wrestled me back into the pillows, whispering suggestions of how we could woo the princess, and then seduce, and then possess her.



“At the ready," I said, still sucking in deep breaths and moving back to position.

Thao wrestled with the face guard he was wearing and huffed. "Couldn't we do this with less…wrappings?"

I huffed back and then shook my head. "Fine, yes, go ahead. I'm leaving mine on, but I know I won't scratch you."

He paused, and then his ungloved hand whipped the helmet off, black hair flying wildly about his face. It wasn't regulation, his hair was too long and it covered useable space for me to attack, but his frustration seemed to be infectious and I didn't want to fight with him on the topic.

Whatever I'd expected from dueling with Thao, it wasn't this temper tantrum behavior over wearing the appropriate safety gear. It probably also wasn't for him to be quite so quick to learn the art of sabre fencing. It appeared some of his ego wasn't unwarranted. I was ahead by three points, but he had four of his own and it was galling. I was supposed to be teaching him, not being trounced by him.

"When I teach you in inukat, there's no helmets and binding clothing to prevent your movement," Thao said. He was flushed and sweaty, but I could absolutely guarantee that I looked worse beneath my own face shield. "Although, I suppose I will have to grant you the right to wear a shirt," he added, grinning like a cat.

I rolled my eyes and realized there was a disadvantage to letting Thao unmask himself. I had to combat the distraction of his flirting.

"At the ready," I repeated.

Thao groaned and rolled his shoulders before relaxing into the correct stance, right foot ahead of the left and knees bent, sabre raised loosely in front of him.

"Begin," I said, and we jumped into movement.

I loved sabre fencing. It was quick, efficient, and comparatively brutal in offensive attacks. I practiced in foil and epee to keep myself versatile, but sabre was my favorite. I wanted action.

Thao answered three strikes, and I forced myself to focus on him below the neck, although it was impossible to miss the intensity of his focus or the snarl of effort on his lips as I beat him back and caught the tip of my blade against his left side. He jumped away with a growl, whipping the blade down and back and forth as he shook himself loose again.

"You are too fast," he said.

"I am winning, so I think I must be the right kind of fast," I said, and then lost my Copyright 2016 - 2024