Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,97

to help her.

“This was so that one day when we were ready, we would have the power to control her. For it is not your blood I am after and it never was… it was always your mother’s.” Hearing this, I gasped in shock.

“But why… why my mother’s?! I don't understand! It's Lucius’ blood you need,” I told him on a cry.

“That's where you are wrong, it is the Venom of God I need, and my plan originally was to use you as bait to force Lucius into granting me the use of the Eye. But since it transferred its guardianship over to you, then I believe it has worked out more in my favour, for there is nothing like the love a daughter has for her mother…” Oh God, he was going to force me to do this!

“…And well, today, we get to put that to the test and see just how deep that love goes… so, tell me, my dear, are you willing to save her life? For I assure you, I do not need her alive to gain her blood, but quite the opposite.” After this Matthias nodded to his witch and, as if to prove a point, my mother screamed in pain and I tried to yank myself free to go to her, only to be tugged back by my neck, making me choke.

“Uh huh, not without your answer, little Queen,” he said calmly. He was clearly enjoying the show when my mother tipped over onto her side and circled herself into a protective ball, as if this would help as she gripped her head so tight. I could see her pulling her hair out as she screamed in utter agony. Tears were flowing freely down my face, knowing that I couldn't stand it much longer. I wanted to take her pain away so badly that I broke down and told him,

“Yes! Please, I'll do anything you want! Just please stop it! Stop her pain!” Matthias yanked me back harder against him and whispered in my ear,

“As you wish, my Queen of Sins.” Then he motioned with a flick of his hand over to Dalene and soon my mother’s screaming stopped, as it was obvious the pain had been taken away from her. I was then let go so I could run to her and scoop her back into my arms to cradle her against me. Her face was wet, soaked full of tears and sweat dripping down her cheeks.

“It's okay, Mum, it's okay… I've got you… it will all be okay,” I soothed in soft voice as I brushed back her damp hair with my palm, wishing I could do more. Wishing that my dad was here and knowing that he would scoop her up into his arms and whisk her off to somewhere safe. Because all I had the power to do to keep her from harm was by doing something I promised myself I wouldn't do. Because I knew now, that to save my mother, I had no choice but to do whatever Matthias asked of me. Even if it meant giving him control over the souls! Because at least that way there was a chance of maybe getting them back. I knew he could have tortured my mother for hours or even worse, he could have killed her outright and still got what he needed, which was her blood.

Suddenly, I was dragged upright from my mother again, and this time pushed over towards where the Eye sat waiting for me on the stone slab. It was still in the bag that I had put it in before we had left the Tavern, which seemed like an age ago now, making me wonder how events would be playing out now had I not allowed the witch to get the Eye before pushing me through that portal into the Fae realm.

“Now you have a job to do, so I suggest you get on and do it, before I show you what real pain looks like, for I assure you, your mother had only a taste of it. Now, tell me where the Tartarus gate is!” I was shoved so hard I fell into the side of the altar, feeling the edge hit my pelvic bone, making me wince. Of course, I already knew where this Tartarus gate was, having seen it before, the second time I touched the Eye. It was the one that led to a crumbling pyramid, and some kind of temple

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