Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,95

loved Lucius and I wanted to defend him and his honour in every way. But I also had to question out of all of the things that Matthias could say to me that he could lie about, why would he choose this? Why would he choose what seemed like an impossibility?

But then, the doubts on both sides burrowed further in my mind, because I had seen visions of the witch, I had seen her past.

She had been a little girl.

Which could have only meant that Lucius would have made her his wife after she had grown into this witch. It didn't make sense and my face must have shown as much.

“If you do not believe me, go ahead and touch the Eye and ask of it what you will, for you will see the truth as the Fates cannot lie,” Matthias said, playing on my doubts and I started to shake my head.

“This is all a trick, it's just a game to you! A game that you're playing to try and get me to touch the Eye and tell you exactly what you want to know. It won't work, I do not believe you!” I stated more firmly this time as I backed further and further away from him.

“It is of little matter to me what you believe. For, know this, you will touch that Eye and you will tell me what I want to know,” he said with his tone becoming more insistent.

“I wouldn't count on it, asshole,” I snarled back. Matthias looked unfazed by this, and instead turned to the witch I knew now was named Dalene.

“Call forth the hex and summon her through.” I frowned in question, wondering who it was he was talking about now.

“Yes, my Lord,” she said, bowing her head. Then, as she raised up her arms, I watched as an eerie green glow emitted from beneath her hood, and the burning white of two eyes shone from the shadows of her face. A power then radiated down her arms to her hands, a pair that she started to move as if creating a portal herself. Yet this time it was different, for it looked more like she was yanking at the very fabric of time! Like she was making the space in front of her warp and twist as she dragged the very landscape out with her hands, stretching it as if she was trying to drag something through.

But then, of course this was exactly what she was trying to do and the moment an image appeared, one being yanked through, I couldn't help crying out at the sight of…

My mother!

“Mum!” I shouted, and she took about two seconds to take in the scene around her before my mother’s wrath took hold. A blinding light was all any of us saw as Matthias and Dalene were suddenly blown backwards from the force of the power bomb that had erupted from my mother. I felt the strength of it myself, going back a few steps as if a powerful wind was trying to push me back. So, I threw an arm up over my face, to protect myself when trying to continue to watch what was happening.

As for what I found, then by the Gods, it was nothing short of magnificent! As there my mother was, stood in front of Matthias and Dalene as they tried in vain to fight against my mother’s power, as she raised up both her arms. This made them both rise up in the air before she stretched out her arms to pin each of them to the upright stone slabs.

“YOU DARE HURT MY DAUGHTER!” Her demonic voice roared at them until the rocks they were pinned to, began to crack. She became nothing more than a glowing, white-hot figure of fire, as it consumed her body. The sparks of immense power licked out angrily at the air around her as it crackled and hissed with her movements. She still had both her hands out towards them, holding them in place as prisoners to her will.

She was utterly stunning, and a beautifully terrifying image of a mother’s wrath come to protect her daughter. Because my mother’s powers were a force to be reckoned with, and this was the first time I had ever seen them, making me gasp in shock. Of course, if I hadn't been so surprised and rendered speechless, I would have been whooping in the air with my fist up like some demonic cheerleader! As my

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