Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,78

by saying,

“Yeah, Luc, I do, for I may have not done right in the past when meeting my own Chosen One, but like you, every single decision I made at the time, was done so with Keira’s safety in mind and that is all the power that we will ever have. Which means, as much as you are weighed down by guilt, this was not your fault, so I am not fucking blaming you.” I swear, by the time he was finished I felt his words sink in and stay there, not realising until that moment how much I fucking needed them! Which was why I took this moment for what it was… monumental.

One I would never forget.

“So, take my hand as the comrades we once were, and will be again. For you will find me fighting by your side and this time, there is no greater cause, as we both fight for something we love. Now, let's go and get my fucking daughter.” I clasped his hand and shook it, before saying,

“Just so long as I get to be the one to kill this fucker.” At this he grinned, and I took that as his answer.

“I swear she is going to be so grounded, I don't care how old she is!” Keira piped up, making me want to point out how unlikely that was going to be.

“Yeah, good luck with that one, little Keira girl,” I commented dryly, making her blow out air in an ‘umpf’ sound. This blew some of the blonde waves from her face, that were barely being restrained back in the plait she wore. In fact, she barely looked a day older than the day I first met her and like then, she was dressed casually, this time in jeans and a dark red sweater that slipped off the shoulder and was tied with a black bow. As for Dom, he looked ready for action, and had forgone his usual suit for black combat gear. Even his longer hair was tied back from his face and he was sporting a shadow of worry across his it in the form of weeks without shaving.

“So, I take it you have a plan?” Keira asked after slapping her hands to her knees and getting to her feet.

“I do, but unfortunately it has zero finesse and mainly consists of us amassing every single being that will fight on our side, for make no mistake, the War of Souls is coming.”

“Seriously, can’t you guys ever think of a nicer thing to call it, we once had the War of Roses. But no, with you guys it's always the Blood Wars, the War of Souls, the War of Doom and Destruction… I know we're in Hell and everything, but even that guy has the Realm of Lust… hey, Pops,” Keira said, waving to Asmodeus as if she had only just remembered he was in the room. At this, he smirked back at her and winked making Dom growl. Of course, his father simply laughed heartedly.

“Now stop that! For God’s sake, it’s not like I’m flirting with my bloody father-in-law here! And anyway, back to my point, if he has the Realm of Lust, then there has got to be hope somewhere,” Keira said, making me smirk.

“Yeah, not sure it works like that in Hell, sweetheart,” Dom said dryly.

“Fine, okay, so depressing war names aside here, what are our chances. I mean what are we up against exactly?” she asked, now making more sense.

“I have amassed the biggest army in Hell, so we're up against that,” I answered honestly.

“Great, peachy. Maybe then it should be called the War of the Impossible and we should ask Tom Cruise if he wants to take a crack!” Keira said with a sigh, making Dom look as though he wanted to ask something, but she held a hand up and said,

“Seriously, thirty years, Draven, thirty years of making you watch movies with me, and you still don’t know who people are.” At this he pulled her close and told her,

“And I told you, love, you may be watching it, but whilst that is happening, I am watching something divinely better.” At this she shot him an incredulous look, and replied in hushed tones,

“Seriously, can anyone say, ‘like father, like son’.” At this, Asmodeus chuckled and this time winked at Dom, who rolled his eyes at the gesture.

“You will pay for that one when we get home, little one,” Dom threatened, and Keira smirked and muttered,

“Promises, promises,

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