Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,67

unable to help myself, whereas for Clay, his Geryon side continued to go charging towards the man himself responsible for all of this. But Matthias drew forth the power from the roots of the Tree of Souls before he fired a long stream of dark smoke at him. This meant that he had to dodge the attack to get closer, which didn’t look easy given his size.

Unfortunately, this was when the witch got involved, now drawing forth her own energy, one that shot from her hands like blue fire. But being attacked from both sides, Clay only managed to dodge it all for so long before one hit his chest. And he, like Caspian, was suddenly propelled backwards, slamming into one of the pillars closest to me and making a section of it come away. This was before the rest came crashing down over him.

“NO! CLAY!” I rushed over to him, not realising the danger overhead.

The danger that was about to…

Crush me to death.


Trapped Between a Cliff and a Mad Man


I screamed over for him but just as I was about to run towards the rubble, I was suddenly grabbed from behind. Then I was spun quickly before being covered by a muscular arm bent over my head, as a rain of stone crashed all around us. Confused, I shook my head and forced my eyes open, despite the sting as tiny particles clung to my lashes from powdered rock. I instantly looked over to where Clay was buried and was just thankful that I saw movement, telling me he was still alive and trying to make his way out. I turned my attention back to my saviour, and soon found myself looking up into the face of a bull, as Caspian had saved my life as part of the temple roof had caved in. Not surprising after one of its pillars had been destroyed.

But then, in that very instance, I couldn’t breathe as it felt as if something was lifted from my body. No, that wasn’t right… lifted from my very soul! I sucked in a deep breath, wondering if like last time he would tell me to ‘push past it’.

I saw him suck in a deep breath that was followed by a deep grumble of his beast. But being this close, I could see the fine details of his face. Along with the wiry white hair that covered where his chin would have been, in a pointed beard. For some strange reason, I reached up and grabbed hold and shook it a little, before telling him,

“I think this just means you've got your soul back,” referring to him repaying my life debt or whatever he had called it that day.

He grunted once and made me cringe as a bellow of air came out of his nostrils, making me hope that the damp splatted on my face was not Minotaur snot!

“Eww, you could have just said thanks.” At this, he grunted with a jerk of his chin before I was spun again out of the way and pushed back to safety once more.

“STAY, HUMAN.” This was his demonic order, and I said,

“Sure thing, soul buddy.” He grunted like a bull once more and turned so he could continue the fight, one that started as he picked up one of the biggest pieces of the boulders that fell and used it as a weapon to throw to where the brothers were stood.

I have to say I was impressed with his aim, for it hit its mark in such a way that the one who was blind would not be coming back from. The other two had seen it coming and got out of its way, but the blind one was not so lucky. This was because it smashed into his body, pinning him between the stone and the rock face, which crushed his body on impact.

“Eww,” I muttered at the sight of blood splatter that looked like a crimson star against the rock. Then I watched as the gory pieces of him that remained, fell to the ground, as if the limbs that hadn't been crushed had just been severed from his flattened torso. Caspian then picked up another boulder, deciding to try his luck again.

As for Clay, the rest of the rubble that had fallen on top of him suddenly burst outwards with a demonic roar. All six arms were thrown up in his anger as he erupted from the debris. He then pounded his fists on the

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