Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,62

grace with their gaze. A strong square jaw and chiselled features combined with a body that looked as if it had been crafted from the Gods themselves, made him any girl’s wet dream. It made me wonder if, on a normal day, these guys just lived in a gym, or did they inhabit a vessel and turn it into a contestant for the sexiest man alive competition overnight!

Well, whoever ended up with all that tall, dark and gorgeous would be one lucky girl, that was for sure. As for me, I would be a lucky girl if I got out of this alive and made it back to my own tall, blonde, and handsome in one piece. After I kicked his ass first for pushing me through that portal to begin with… oh yeah, I was putting him on his ass for that one!

But there was still yet one thing about these three that I didn't know, and that was their supernatural sides. Of course, I had seen glimpses of the strength and power in them when fighting back at Transfusion after the first attack. But I had a feeling I was about to get a lot more than just a glimpse this time.

Speaking of things to come, I couldn’t help but question how Matthias knew we were coming here.

“Ah, but I can see that question playing in your mind, girl,” he mocked, making me want to bare my teeth at him at the term ‘girl’ being said like an insult!

“It is simple, you are his only weakness.” I frowned before snapping,

“Or I am his strength?” At this, he laughed before he cast a hand and said,

“Then, if that be so, why are you here? For surely he would want to keep that strength with him, not cast it to what he foolishly believes is safety.” And this I couldn’t argue against, and I fucking hated it!

“I knew my brother would believe this the one place safe enough for you to return to the mortal world. After all, it was proven that not all portals could be trusted.”

“Because you found a way to control Dariush,” I said, knowing this to be true. Again, he grinned that sadistic smirk of his.

“He most certainly had his uses and well, seeing as you are here, I would say he still does.” Clay was the one to growl this time and remind him,

“And she didn’t come alone, asshole.”

“Oh, but neither did I, Geryon,” he sneered, making me shoot a look to Clay, silently asking if this was what he was?! He shrugged his shoulder at my response, as if being the grandson of Medusa and the nephew of Pegasus was no big deal. Of course, what I knew of the mythology was that Geryon was the son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe, and was known as a fearsome giant who dwelled on the island of Erytheia of the mythic Hesperides, in the far west of the Mediterranean. Oh, and he was often described as a monster with either three bodies and three heads, or three heads and one body, or even three bodies and one head… basically a combination of lots of heads, arms, or bodies and well, you get the picture.

“But bringing you here was ironic really,” Matthias mused with a grin, making me want to roll my eyes.

“Yeah, and why is that dickhead?” Clay asked, purposely keeping his tone even and to the point of sounding almost bored. Yet I knew differently, as I could see the navy-blue material of his long-sleeved Tee, straining around his huge biceps. Even the stone washed denim around his thighs looked close to splitting, making me wonder just how far away he was from erupting into his other form.

“Well, seeing as he believed this the safest place for Dariush to bring you, when in actual fact he was walking you straight into the place I call home. But I must confess, it was quite touching seeing your little display of love and loyalty… I especially liked it when you broke his heart and walked through the portal,” Matthias said, making me snap and as I took a step forward in my anger, I felt Clay’s large hand at my belly stopping me.

“It was you! You were behind it all!?”

“But of course, and I must say what easy strings you both had to find and pull on. Like I said, predictable really,” he said with a knowing smirk as he knew his words were getting to me.

“Of course,

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