Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,41

the make-believe apartment was when it started to change. It evaporated with a wave of his hand, transforming from its expensive modern space into one more fitting for what you would expect from the overlord ruler of Hell. Even more confirmation, that the unbelievable had happened.

Lucifer was officially in love.

Because that was the only explanation there was to purposely hide a part of yourself and the world around you. An illusion created to make the other half of your soul more comfortable in the same space. He was protecting her from the darker, more sinister side of his world and transforming it into a place she would want to stay. Of course, he could simply have made her his prisoner, something I suspected she still was… but naturally, she just hadn’t yet received the memo on this one.

Yet, what was the saying, if you love something set it free and if it comes back to you, then it is yours but if it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with. Well, for the Kings of the supernatural world and the rulers of the many races that lived within it, this was not something any of us would leave to chance.

For the concept of letting something as important as our Fated Ones go was not in our collective natures. Take myself for example, Amelia had run from me and despite her foolish beliefs which made her do so, she had left and not returned of her own free will. A fact that still haunted me… and not one I would forget anytime soon.

Something I knew I now shared with my father, for he too had also felt the bitter sting from such knowledge. One which proved that just being someone's fated soulmate did not automatically mean that they would then be locked to your side forevermore of their own free will.

An unfortunate discovery to be sure, but none of us wanted to make slaves our of our queens, because other than the obvious sexual benefits…

Where was the fun in that?

So, as the world around me started to change into something far more demonic and fitting for this King of Hell, I released a sigh, feeling once again as if I had committed the greatest sin against my own soulmate. I knew that her trust in me was one I would inevitably have to earn once more, because despite writing her that letter explaining my reasons, I knew that until the girl was in my arms again, my words would have been perceived as empty. But then, what other options did I have? For right now there was no other place in all the worlds and all the realms safer than within the confines of her own home. One her father had ultimate control over. Yet, despite this logic, it still didn’t make it any easier to swallow, as the bitterness felt thick enough to choke on!

As for Lucifer, this change naturally started with the man himself, with the clothes he wore igniting into a burst of flames. The scorched material sizzled away to nothing as he stepped out from the merest memory of a robe. What was left was the same vessel I had first seen that day. The very one that had made me who I was now, my second chance at life… and one which had led me to Amelia.

I had to admit that even during my years as a mortal I had never known a love like it. Meaning, it was hard not to believe in the Fates when they clearly believed in me, by blessing me with such a gift. I couldn't help but look down at my hand still covered in leather, one that I had lost nearly 30 years ago, which for a being as old as I, honestly felt like no time at all. But then, as the room continued to change, I knew it was almost symbolic for what lengths I myself had gone to in trying to cement Amelia’s life so firmly within my own.

Oh yes, ourOnes, made slaves out of their kings alright, and without even knowing it.

The large open space, once transformed, still held at its centre a huge fireplace that now dominated the room in a different way. For long gone was the sleek metal and glass design that had hung in a teardrop from the high ceiling. No, instead, flames ignited within the enormous demonic skull, one with a mouth that was permanently open in a

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