Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,39

was shocked after deciphering its meaning, for its translation meant he actually loved her! Something I didn’t think possible for such a being. But then the proof was right there, even in the softly spoken way he had called her, his love and his heavenly life, which was what Arammu and Ziana meant. It was then of little wonder why Dariush shot me a look of astonishment.

The Devil was in love!

As for Pythia, her fear evaporated instantly, and she granted him a warm, affectionate look in return, before doing what he commanded of her. It even made me wonder if that collar didn’t hold some kind of enchantment on it or had she, in fact, come to feel something for her captive? After all, he may have been the King of Kings in Hell, but he was also her Fated One in return. To be honest, after all I had witnessed these past few days, then really, nothing should have had the power to surprise me anymore… but this moment became the icing on that fucked up cake!

Dariush even shrugged his shoulders at me when he watched the insane and unlikely happen, as Lucifer grinned when she started to get closer to him, as he seemed almost… fucking giddy?

Then, the moment she was within arm’s reach, he snatched out and grabbed her, tugging her towards him in his rush to touch her sooner. One thing became clear, that even after over a decade together, his need for her hadn't yet been sated and from the looks of things, nor would it ever. It made me think of my own obsession and I knew from experience, that I too would most likely end up being the same, for I couldn't imagine a day where the sight of my Chosen One walking towards me wouldn't have me reacting in the same way. Although, I had to admit, I was most likely better at hiding my reaction than he was.

She sucked in a deep breath as if his dominant behaviour still surprised her, and his hand collared her throat over the band of black and gold that seemed unbreakable and permanently locked around her flesh. Once again it started to glow beneath his palm, and she closed her eyes and released a deep sigh as she became compliant in his arms.

“That's it, my innocent one, relax now,” he practically purred down at her, before then telling her,

“I'm afraid your delicious pancakes will have to wait, for I must speak with my sons on a matter of some importance. But I can tell you are feeling tired, my Arammu.” At this, she released another deep sigh before it turned into a yawn, making him grin down at her.

“I am feeling a little tired,” she admitted in a soft, sweet voice, that seemed to have a power over Lucifer as his eyes heated to a white glow, before it settled down enough for him to reply,

“Then go, my good girl, go lie down and wait for me, for I crave something far sweeter than syrup, which means you will need to rest before I make a meal out of you.” At this she shuddered, clearly now thinking of something she knew was to come.

“Go now for your Sarrum commands it of his Sarratum,” he said, tipping her head back by hooking a finger under the collar at her throat until it was tucked under her chin. As for Sarrum, that meant King in the old language just as Sarratum, its counterpart, meant Queen.

“Very well,” she muttered lowering her eyes.

“Tut, tut, come now, you know how I like to hear it,” he chastised making her blush, before a mischievous glint took form in her eyes. A pair that was soon framed with laughter lines at the corners, before she looked once to us and then said,

“I’m sorry, I meant very well, my cuddle monkey.” At this Dariush made a sound as if he was choking on a fly and as for me, well, my mouth dropped open like one was now welcomed to fly in it and rob me of my own breath! Was the woman in-fucking-sane!

But then Lucifer smirked down at her and instead of punishing her like his famous wrath would have prompted, instead his grin grew in size, before he playfully tapped on her nose and said,

“Oh, my sweet innocence, you'll pay for that later, and continue to pay for it until I hear you screaming what it is I crave to hear

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