Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,34

sliced under its arms, doing so four times in quick succession. It staggered around as it had been cut deep by its ribs. Then, just as I was about to do the same again until the fuckers were in pieces, I watched as pieces of flesh started to unravel themselves from their stiches.

“What the fuck?” I muttered as these four patches slithered down as though they were alive and covered the slices my blade had made, reattaching itself in seconds.

“Well, that’s a new one,” Dariush commented with a raised brow as he came to stand next to me. Meanwhile the army of fallen Seppuku hadn’t moved an inch.

“We will have to fight this as one,” I shouted, having little clue as to what the fuck this even was, having never fought one before but then I doubt many had survived before us and lived to tell the tale.

“Or we fight it in two,” Dariush said with a knowing smirk as he summoned his own sword, this time one more suited to the task than his usual, shamshir.

No, this time it was an Indian staff known as a tabar. The tabar, was an elegant battle axe and its fine grey steel blade was curved in design. This was attached to a long shaft with a carved scale pattern, topped with an ivory demonic claw holding a black glass sphere. The blade itself was the length of my arm, and one I knew powerful enough to do the damage that was needed to defeat this conjoined monster. One that was far quicker than it should be, given its size.

“I hope you have a plan, Dariush,” I said, making him wink at me the second the twin beasts just start spinning around, turning quickly as they raised up their meaty arms and their heavy weapons. Once again, using this method as a way to lash out at us over and over again without any reprieve. Fuck, but it was like fighting a never-ending stream of demonic hammers coming at you one after the other. But hit after hit I counteracted with my own blade as the rest of Lucifer's army looked on, unmoving like ghosts of a Samurai.

“This is getting old real quick, brother!” I shouted after being knocked down again.

“I just need to get one good shot at it, but wouldn’t you know, the fucker just won’t stop and let me do it,” Dariush said with a grin, as if the crazy bastard was having the fucking time of his life!

But then the second it threw all four arms backwards and roared at us, I got an idea. I narrowed my gaze on the four chains attached to its arms and the links that rattling on theirs hooks. Because its fury was causing tension and strain to the collars around its necks, making me wonder if it would be enough. Well, there was only one way to find out.

“I have an idea,” I told Dariush, after he had rolled out of its charging body before it barrelled into part of the arched wall, knocking half of it down into rubble.

“Yeah, you want to fill me in?” he asked after hitting a fist to his chest, coughing.

“Try and get him in the middle, over there,” I said pointing to the only place this was going to work and making him roll his eyes at me.

“Great, fucking love being the bait,” he grumbled before I raised my arms wide, walked backwards and said,

“Naturally, brother, for you are so good at it!” He flipped me the middle finger in response, making me chuckle as I took my position off to the side to wait for my opening. Then I watched as Dariush did as I asked and started to coax the ugly fucker into the centre of the courtyard in between the two walls of spikes. Then, when he was in the perfect spot, I moved in, whilst the beast was busy spinning around trying to hit Dariush who was moving too fast for him to get a hit in.

“Now what!?” he shouted, as it was clear he could only do this for so long.

“Be at the ready for this fucker to fall!” I said flipping my body upwards, and with four swift and calculated hits, I sliced through the weak links that severed the hooks by its neck. Then, as I suspected, all four limbs fell to the floor, becoming too heavy for the twin beast to hold up without help. The hammers crashed

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