Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,3

character is to give one's honour to the wind, and to involve one's own self in embarrassment.” At this, Lucius took hold of my chin and turned my face to the side so he could look into my eyes.

“The Scorpion and the Turtle?” he asked, making my eyes widen but then of course he would know it, being that he started off his new life in Persia by my father’s side.

“My fa…”

“Your father… but of course. And you are right, sometimes it is merely the nature of our being that dictates our actions, just like the nature in me to… protect what is mine,” Lucius said, whispering this last part in my ear on a promised growl.

“Is that why you won’t let him eat me?” I teased back, making him nip at my ear before telling me,

“There is only one being that gets to bite you, pet, and it is the predator at your back, not the one you sit upon.” At this, I smirked before pointing out,

“Yeah, but sometimes I get to sit on you too, so does that still count?” I was soon shaking in his hold as he boomed with laughter at my teasing.

“Most definitely.” This was his breathy response, making me shiver against him.

“So, getting back to the creature I am currently sitting on in a totally nonsexual way… unlike when I am playing with the beast at my back,” I said, whispering this last part, making Lucius whisper,

“Behave, my Khuba.” I grinned in return.

“So, these Manticores?”

“And not to be mistaken with a Mantyger,” Lucius added, making me question him.

“They’re not the same?” I asked, knowing now that many historical myths believed they were.

“No, for they are something different and most definitely cannot be tamed. Although, the creature we ride now can also be known as Mardykhor in Persian,” he told me and I had to admit, that when like this, I could listen to Lucius talk all day and hang on every word. But then this wasn’t exactly surprising, as combined with being a massive geek for knowledge, I was also a hopelessly in love one at that.

“Ah, but of course, Mardya, meaning man and Khowr, meaning to eat, so that makes sense,” I replied, knowing these words in Persian.

“Along with the Greeks, who named the beast Androphagos,” was Lucius’ reply, making me snort a laugh and say,

“Which also means man eater… okay, so tell me, is there a name for them that doesn’t mean it’s gonna look at me as a takeout meal strapped to its back?” Lucius chuckled again and said,

“It may be the Scorpion in this fabled scenario, but there is something important you’re forgetting.”

“Yeah, and what’s that?” I enquired in a cocky tone.

“He’s not the only one you ride with that possesses a deadly nature… and my bite is more deadly than his,” he told me, making me feel somewhat better that I would get there with all my limbs intact and not as some tasty snack along the way.

“So, you can relax, pet,” he added, making me laugh nervously and say,

“Well, at least I know for sure that one of you doesn’t mind me riding you.” At this he wrapped an arm around me possessively, and I knew this was in a teasing way when he growled,


“Besides, its stinger is contained for a reason,” he told me. So I looked over my shoulder, only to find Lucius’ big bulk of muscle in the way.

“Oh yeah, harmless… what you gonna try and convince me of next, that those three rows of teeth are blunt and for sucking on Fae fruit lollypops?”

“I think we already covered riding me, sweetheart, but hey, if you want to turn your attention to sucking then be my guest, but just so you know, riding one of these things with a raging hard on isn’t going to make this journey a comfortable one, despite having you in my arms.” At this, it was my turn to throw my head back and laugh and I had to say it made the start of the journey a comical one and surprisingly, it was down to the maneater between my legs… Pip pun most definitely intended, I thought on a giggle. A sound that got me a comforting squeeze of his hand at my side.

A squeeze that dug in harder the moment I said,

“I never thought I would say this, but I am looking forward to getting back to your Kingdom in Hell and maybe getting reacquainted with your tower,

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