Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,20

him. But then, one look at the army of men and his own council, and well, I didn’t think doing that was wise. So instead, I placed my hand in his and let him pull me from my spot by the rocks. He led me back over towards Carn’reau and just as we approached, I became amazed to see a portal start to appear. Like a piece of the world was being cut through, after it first shimmered and distorted just like it had done back in the Harpy’s lair. Something that soon had Lucius’ brother Dariush stepping through, after creating his very own portal.

“Wow,” I muttered in awe as Lucius stepped up to him, keeping me held close next to him. Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly looking forward to seeing him again, not considering I had been the one who had nearly caused his execution by his brother’s hand! Which is why I ended up being surprised as the moment Dariush saw me, he grinned.

“Brother, I think it's time I introduced you properly this time,” Lucius said, pulling me in front of him and placing both his hands on my shoulders.

“Dariush, this is my Chosen One, my Electus, Amelia,” Lucius declared, and I had to confess, it tugged at my heart with the soft and tender way he said it. Which was why I granted him a smile over my shoulder before I held my hand out to his brother, telling him,

“It’s nice to meet you properly this time.” His handsome brother’s lips twitched in amusement before he took my hand in his. Then he raised it up to his lips to kiss, making Lucius growl and Dariush’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin.

“The honour is all mine, for I believe I owe you my life.” I swallowed down the hard lump, and told him,

“I am just sorry that I was the cause of it being in jeopardy in the first place.” He released my hand and then used his own to wave off my apology.

“It's all fun and games in Hell, besides all brothers need a test of loyalty now and then, isn't that right, Luc?” Lucius scoffed behind me and said,

“They certainly need their asses kicking.” At which Dariush burst out laughing when I elbowed Lucius in the ribs, scorning him,


“Yes, remind me to pay you back for that one, brother.”

“No need, for I have a little warrior princess, who likes to keep me in check.” I shot him a look that threatened to put him on his ass without words… or at least try to as I remembered back in my bedroom in Afterlife. It was when I realised that Lucius had gone easy on me all those times before. Lucius grinned down at me, whereas his brother simply laughed again.

I had to admit that it was strange seeing these two in a different light and how easy they were around each other. Telling me that everything I had witnessed before this point had been an act. It had been one played in front of their people as it was clear no one knew just who Dariush was to their King. But then, behind closed doors, this easy manner with each other was one I would have expected between brothers. A thought that made me happy and more than anything else, it made me thankful. Thankful that Lucius had that. That he had at least one person in the world to him that he classed as family. And that before I came into his life, he hadn’t truly been alone in his world.

“Is everything ready?” Lucius asked, bringing me out of my inner musings. This was when I realised that the playful moment had passed and been replaced by a serious one.

“It is, but only if you are sure?” This was Dariush’s strange reply, and I watched as Lucius nodded his head once telling him that he was.

“What's going on?” I asked but before he answered me, Lucius motioned for Clay, Caspian and Ruto to go on ahead as the portal was still left open behind Dariush. His council men nodded their acknowledgement to their King, before walking past us and stepping in through the portal that still warped the world like a tear through time.

After this, Dariush himself then stepped aside and soon we found ourselves stood alone in front of this door sized portal.

“Lucius?” I said his name in question, and for a moment he closed his eyes as if it pained him

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