Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,105

that is owed to me!” Matthias said, handing me the bag with the Eye inside.

“I have no idea how to even do this!” I snapped, but he growled back at me like an angry animal that was so close to consuming its meal,

“Lies! For what you speak of is lies. I know you can use the power of the Eye, I saw it for myself. Just like I know you transferred power from it to others, like that witch you call friend,” he said, referring to Nero, and I had no idea how he knew I had done that when we were about to be eaten alive by Hellhounds. The important thing was that he knew I was bluffing.

“Now, put your hand inside the sarcophagus and spill your blood on the roots, and hold the Eye… do it, or your mother dies!” he snapped, making me look back at my mother. But then by doing so, I also saw the witch, and this time she looked different.

Unhinged. Afraid. Horrified.

“Don't do it, Fae, think about what I said! It's not worth it!” my mother said, pleading with me with her eyes, before falling to her knees and crying out. I shot a look to Matthias to see his eyes glowing as he had that same power his witch had over my mother. But how? Was it being back in this Temple that gave him that strength?

“NO!” I cried out, about to run to her, when Matthias grabbed me by the dress at my back and yanked me from her, before throwing me towards the sarcophagus. I bent double over the edge, looking inside and seeing now the bed of spikes. It was as if soulweed had been used to keep him trapped there, keeping him imprisoned. Of course, I knew of soulweed, and being impaled upon the spikes would drain you of your essence. Which was how Lucifer had Matthias’ powers sucking the life from him and keeping him in a weakened state.

“AAAHHHH!” My mother screamed again as I hesitated too long.

“Please stop! Stop it now… I'll do it!” I shouted, as my mother’s cries grew louder and the horrific sound vibrated off the walls and seemed to spin around me, consuming my thoughts. I just had to save her, I had to make her screaming stop. I had to end her pain!

“Good, now do it!”

So, with a deep breath I took out the Crimson Eye from the bag, squinting against the bright red glow that grew in intensity as I held it in my hands. I could feel its power and the pull where it wanted me to look inside. To delve into the very core of it and get from it what I required. It had the strength to drag me under and never let me return, for this was what I knew happened to anyone else that touched it. Its power overwhelmed those that it didn't deem worthy. It consumed them with the power of its rage before it killed them, destroying the very essence of what made them.

“No… don't… Fae.” My mother’s weak voice was barely a desperate whisper as she reached out a hand towards me, trying once more. The pain on her face was an unbearable reminder of what I was about to do. But what choice did I have? Was I really going to sacrifice her life, when I knew that Matthias would only bring more people I cared about to take her place? Because how many would I be forced to lose before I did as he asked. He would take their lives one by one, because he would never stop. This grudge, this revenge, and this bitter rage he had consuming him had lasted over 2000 years, and it was only getting stronger. No, Matthias would stop at nothing, and the only hope that we had was that once I transferred these souls, he would be defeated in the war that Lucius would bring down on his head. For I knew he would not be fighting alone. He had the other Kings… he had,

My father.

So, I reached inside and did what I was being forced to do.

“DO IT!” Matthias bellowed, and just when I was about to grab one of the roots was when something unexpected happened. Because suddenly there was a high-pitched scream, and this time it didn't come from my mother.

“NOOOOO!” The witch shrieked, before power shot through me, sending me staggering backwards against the wall of the temple with

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