Queen Of Sins - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,103

big to handle anymore, he threw it outwards and cast it like a glowing cannon ball into the dark and empty cave.

“What do you think he is doing?” my mother asked quietly.

“I don’t know… but at a guess I would say it has something to do with that,” I said, changing my answer when we started to feel a rumbling beneath our feet. It was as if his power had finally hit whatever target it was meant to. Because seconds later, a fiery glow started to illuminate within the cave and travelled outwards at speed, making it glow brighter and brighter. Then soon we discovered why, as lava started to flow from within before it fell like a waterfall of fire from the edge and into the abyss below. We both looked over the edge to see that this part of the damaged mountain was no longer surrounded by darkness, but had started to fill with a river of lava.

“Dalene, if you would be so kind,” Matthias said, looking back at his witch as she approached from behind and took his place at the front. Then she too used her powers against the incredible force of the lava that continued to pull from inside the cave. She moved her hands around as if she was manipulating something right in front of her, and it was then that the flowing lava started to lift.

“Gods,” I muttered as she started to drag it closer towards them, making it look as if it was now being forced to flow over an invisible bridge. Something that only stopped when it made contact with our side. Then, once it was done, she waved her hand once more and cooled the molten rock, turning it once more into coarse stone.

Once it was safe enough to step on, Matthias took the lead once more and made his way across the centre of the cooled lava that now acted as a solid bridge. I only wished that there was some way, once they made it to the other side, that we could have destroyed the bridge, turned around and ran away. This was because I knew that whatever was inside that cave, meant being forced to do something that could potentially change the world forever.

One look at my mother and she knew this too, which was why she said,

“Amelia, I want you to listen to me now…” I knew the moment she said my name, one she only reserved for serious and important times like this, what was coming next.

“No, Mum, don't even say it,” I told her in a stern tone, but as I started to walk past her, she grabbed me and pulled me back. Then she placed a hand on my cheek and told me,

“I love you, Fae, and I know you love me, but what you are about to do in there is not worth saving my life, not when so many others will lose their own if you do.” I started to shake my head, but she placed her other hand on my cheek, ceasing my movements,

“Fae, listen to me, listen to me now, sweetheart… the sacrifice of one to save many, is a rule which we live by.” I tore my face free and said,

“And Dad, do you really think he would live by that rule if it meant saving your life…? Or Lucius, do you think he would sacrifice me to save everyone else? Because, if you can look me in the eye and tell me that you honestly believe that, then we will both sacrifice our own lives to save the rest.” The moment my mum closed her eyes and I saw a single tear fall from beneath her lashes, I knew my words had rang true.

“Please… we can't allow this to happen,” she said, still with her eyes closed as if she couldn’t stand the idea of her life for so many. I nodded once and was about to say something else, when the angry demands of Matthias came from ahead. So, we continued moving and I held my mother’s hand as we made our way across the bridge and to the other side, before stepping into the once resting place of Matthias.

The long cave continued to flow with lava, only this time it remained at the sides, in the channels created by the cooled rock in the centre. Then, once inside, I could see it was very similar to the Temple of the Tree of Souls. This was

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