Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,96

and are hunting for her as we speak. We have every belief that she will be detained in due time."

I stopped reading and looked at Tatum with frustration burning through me, but it was nothing on the venom flaring in her eyes.

"I want everyone who set my father up to take the fall for this to die," she snarled furiously. "Every. Last. Lying. Scheming. One of them."

"Your wish is our command, princess," Nash agreed and the rest of us nodded.

Another Black Hawk helicopter roared overhead and I leaned towards my window, watching its progress across the sky before I lost sight of it beyond the overpass. A chill ran down my spine and I dropped my gaze to my phone again, opening up the other news story with a sense of dread filling me as I read it aloud.

"Sequoia is going to be the first state in the country to implement the much debated 'test and divide' system in hopes that it may just be the answer to stopping the Hades Virus in its tracks. Areas of the state have been emptied out and sectioned off to make way for the division camps where members of the public (particularly those living in highly populated areas such as cities) will be sent after being tested for the Hades Virus. There are to be three camps. One: The Infected. Members of the public found to be infected with the Hades Virus will be relocated to this location where the best of medical care will be on offer and we can isolate the infectious people to protect others. Two: The Uninfected. Members of the public who test negative will be sent to camps where security will be tight to make absolutely certain that the Hades Virus is kept away from you. You will be safe here as we erect an uncrossable boundary to protect you from contamination. Three: The Survivors. In this camp, we will ask any members of the public who have had the Hades Virus and recovered (so currently have antibodies in their blood) to help us in the creation of a vaccine. You will be kept safe and isolated just like the uninfected population, but there will be incentives given to anyone who chooses to help our work by donating blood."

"Fuck that," Kyan growled and I had to agree.

"Let's take a detour," I suggested, not liking the presence of the army here at all.

The article had gone on to make certain those camps sounded amazing, but there was no fucking way I was going to allow some asshole in a uniform to relocate me anywhere if I got a say in it.

I turned the car around and started driving back through the outskirts of the city, taking a path that led uphill towards the suburbs where the edge of the mountain range started. It didn't take long before I was pulling onto a street with a lookout point that I remembered from driving up this way once before and as I drove through the trees toward it, my suspicions were confirmed.

Tatum sucked in a sharp breath as she half climbed between mine and Kyan's seats to get a better look at the view and I frowned as I watched the army erecting barricades in a ring around this part of the city. I could make out more army vehicles and helicopters in the distance too, no doubt cordoning off another section. This test and divide bullshit clearly wasn’t going to be implemented on a voluntary basis.

"Shit. How the fuck are we supposed to get out of here now?" Blake hissed as he stuck his head around the side of my chair beside the window.

"We're not," I replied darkly, my gaze scanning back and forth as I took in as much information as I could. The barricades surrounded us in every direction and it was clear no one was being allowed to leave. By bringing us here to hide, I’d inadvertently walked us right into a trap that had been ready to spring. "Not like this anyway."

"So what are we-" Monroe began but I cut him off as I started up the engine again and backed away from the view.

"We'll head back to the safe house," I informed him, locking down the inclination to panic over this and trying to think it through logically. There was a way out here. I just wasn’t seeing it yet. But it would come to me. It had to. "And then we will have to

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