Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,90

he didn't voice them, his cock clearly taking control of the decision making for him as he leaned down to kiss her again, his hand slipping inside her shirt to caress her breast as she moaned softly.

I remained where I was, those words of hers echoing around my skull like my head was a pinball machine with no hole for them to drop out of.

Blake was playing a game where he poked Kyan then ducked aside as the big bastard took a swipe at him in his sleep. It would probably end with Blake's nose getting busted, but it was his face to take risks with. Besides, I wasn't inclined to save him from a dose of pain after the worry he’d caused me tonight.

Nash had pushed Tatum back against the wall while she pumped his cock in her fist and I watched as he tugged her sweatpants low on her hips and eased his fingers beneath the waistband.

At another time, the sight might have aroused me, but I was so deep into my anger that I knew I wasn't going to be distracted by sex. I needed her punished. I needed it more than I needed to breathe and the moment I lost this battle with myself and moved out of the shadows, she was going to feel my wrath.

Tatum tipped her head back, moaning in pleasure as Nash fucked her with his hand and I watched enraptured, waiting as he built her up and up and up. When her moaning turned to pleading and I knew she was about to come for him, I stepped out of the shadows and cleared my throat.

"Holy fuck," Nash cursed, flinching and pausing in his movements for a moment as Tatum gritted her teeth at the denial of her release.

"We need to talk," I said in a deadly calm voice as Tatum's panting breaths filled the room.

"We're a touch busy," Monroe grunted and I almost felt bad for denying him too. He wasn't the one who had fucked up after all.

"Yes. I am well aware that our dear Miss Rivers is trying to dig herself out of trouble with you by using her sexuality as a weapon, but do you really think she deserves to come after the stunt she just pulled? I can't be the only one of us who recalls the way she is being hunted. Who remembers what it felt like when she was gone?"

Nash's frown deepened as Kyan muttered, "It’s Mrs Roscoe," from his bed, clearly awake at last. One glance his way showed me Blake's busted lip and Kyan's angry scowl. Good. An accomplice.

"Perhaps we need to discuss the boundaries of this relationship. And the punishments we can dish out when one of us oversteps?" I suggested.

"I'm down for that," Kyan growled and Blake huffed irritably.

"It was my dad, man. I already lost my mom to this shit and even waiting this long to get him a vaccine after we stole them had been killing me. You have to know-"

"I understand perfectly. And I was already concocting a plan for us to deliver a vaccine to him safely." I turned my dark gaze to him and he swallowed thickly before nodding.

"You're right. I fucked up. I'm sorry, dude, I should have just trusted you and come to you about it. But you know how crazy I can get about family and I guess I just convinced myself that you might say no or something and I really needed it to be done. I couldn't take another sleepless night worrying about him catching it."

I considered his words for a moment then nodded. His impulsive behaviour was understandable even if it was infuriating. But he was led by emotion and his love for his father. Tatum however, had never met Blake's father. She had no emotional attachment to him beyond just wishing for him to be safe for Blake's sake. She should have known better.

My gaze travelled to Monroe and Tatum as they still stood there, hands within each other's underwear, eyes hot with passion and need.

"Do you think Tatum deserves to come after pulling that stunt, Nash?" I asked him, my gaze fixed on his while Tatum's lips popped open into a little O of shock and frustration.

"I guess not," Monroe agreed, giving our girl an apologetic look as he tugged his hand back out of her sweatpants and she whimpered in disappointment, reluctantly releasing his cock too.

"Saint," she pleaded. "I know you're upset, but we just wanted

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