Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,76

forest, like a feral man who lived off the land, chopped wood naked and built fires-

“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” he said heavily, cutting through my fantasy as I fisted my hand in his shirt to keep him close. “I’ve missed all of our plotting too.” He smirked as I scraped my fingers through his dark blonde hair. I was totally fucking smitten with him. I didn’t know if it was the intensity in his eyes or that godly mouth that was getting me so hot right now, but I knew I couldn’t allow myself the temptation when we should be running for the hills. So I drew back and put a little space between us to keep my libido from diving into the driver’s seat. That bitch had been working overtime since I’d been back with my tribe.

“Well how about we start plotting together again? Let’s sneak up on Blake and scare the crap out of him,” I said conspiratorially.

He dipped his head, nipping at my neck with a deep laugh that set my pulse racing. “I’m game if you are.”

Monroe’s eyes glinted as he stepped back and we snuck in the direction Blake’s voice was coming from. He was swinging his hips as he peed, his singing getting louder as we closed in behind him, making a quiet approach. Nash stepped on a branch and a loud crack made Blake wheel around and my jaw dropped at the sight of his dick jammed into the pink plastic Shewee.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Monroe burst out laughing and Blake sniggered.

“Thought I’d give it a go. You only live once, right?” He reached down and tugged on it to get it off, but it didn’t move. His gaze fell to it as he tugged again and a yelp of pain left him. “Oh fuck.”

“Hilarious,” Nash deadpanned as I fell apart laughing. “Come on, we need to go.”

“It’s not a joke, it’s fucking stuck.” Blake tugged on it again and swallowed another noise of pain when it didn’t move.

“Give it here.” Monroe strode forward, knocking his hand away and grabbing hold of it, tugging sharply. Blake jerked forward with a panicked gasp, shoving Monroe in the chest.

“Ow, motherfucker!” he barked.

I clutched my side as more laughter ripped through me, unable to stop.

“Tate,” Blake growled. “Stop laughing. Your laugh is sexy and that’s just gonna make me hard which will only make things worse!”

I literally couldn’t, especially when Nash grabbed the Shewee again and yanked hard. Blake cursed then tried to punch him in the dick in retaliation, but Monroe was too fast as he danced out of the way.

“Just hold still, I got some kid’s dick out of his zipper once, I can totally do this,” Monroe insisted, bending forward to get a closer look and Blake stilled as I worked to smother my laughter. Monroe was eye to eye with the pee hole as he examined it and he slid his hand along the base as he tried to loosen its grip on Blake’s dick.

“Ah! That’s my balls,” Blake growled, smacking Monroe around the ear, making his head dip and the Shewee poked him in the eye.

“Argh!” Monroe reared away from him in horror. “That fucking piss hole went in my eye!”

“How’s that my fault?” Blake roared.

“Because you stuck a Shewee on your fucking dick!” Monroe shouted back and another laugh tumbled from my chest but I hurried forward to help Blake, gently taking hold of the Shewee and turning it.

“No twisting,” Blake gasped in horror, slapping my hands away and taking hold of the plastic as he tried to work it free.

“For the love of all that is holy,” Saint’s voice made my heart leap and I turned around, finding him standing behind me, shaking his head at Blake. He reached into his pocket, taking out a tube of lube and walking forward to squirt it into the Shewee.

“Why are you walking around with that in your pocket?” Nash asked in confusion and I was pretty damn curious myself.

“I don’t need to explain myself to you,” Saint said simply as he slid the Shewee off of Blake’s cock then handed it to him. “You will clean this and return it to Tatum.”

“I’m like, totally good living my life without that in it actually,” I said, but Saint just fixed Blake with a glare for a long moment then turned, tossing a bottle of hand sanitiser at me before walking back toward the car. “Hurry up, no more games.”

Blake tucked his dick

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