Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,70

the sand towards the trees, hunting for any sign that the mercenaries had made it down here. But the catacombs and the connecting caves weren't publicised knowledge, so it looked like luck was on our side and they hadn't figured out where we would exit yet.

The only people in sight were Danny and Mila who were cuddled up on a blanket with a picnic laid out around them, the two of them making out so intensely that I was fairly sure we were about to get a view of them fucking if we stood here much longer.

"They have a golf cart," Monroe pointed out and I looked beyond the two of them towards the pathway where it was parked up.

"Perfect." Saint strode out of the cave, jogging across the sand and drawing Danny and Mila's attention to him as he stepped onto their picnic blanket and cleared his throat loudly. "Give me the keys to that cart," he commanded and Danny frowned.


"It's an emergency, dude," I explained, nudging Saint to tell him to stop being a dick, but that wasn't really in his nature. "We can't really get into it, but we're kinda being chased and we need a mode of transport. As a bonus, you can take my crown as king of the school once I'm gone."

"You're leaving?" Danny asked with a frown, getting to his feet and pulling Mila up with him.

"We don't have time for this," Saint snarled, stepping forward aggressively. "We are being hunted by men who will not hesitate to do whatever is necessary to locate us, and our girl is relying on our help. Give us the keys."

"Tatum?" Mila gasped and I felt a little guilty for not letting her know that her bestie was safe once we'd rescued her, but it was a pretty big secret and we couldn’t just blindly trust people.

"Yeah," I admitted. "She needs us."

Danny took the key from his pocket and went to offer it to us, but Mila placed a hand over it to stop Saint from taking it.

"If you're being hunted then you can't be seen. You three can hide in the back and we'll drive," she insisted.

"I don't think that's a-" I began, but Saint cut over me.

"She's right. You drive us then. We need to get to the front gates and make sure you avoid the fucking Temple. Don't stop for anything or anyone," he commanded before bending down to grab the corner of their picnic blanket and knocking all of their food and shit off of it onto the beach. “We’ll use this to conceal ourselves.”

We all started running after Saint towards the cart and I kept a close eye on the trees in case any of those men appeared. Danny and Mila jumped into the front seats while me, Monroe and Saint quickly lay down in the back of it where luggage was usually loaded before throwing the blanket over us. It wasn't perfect, but at a glance no one would notice us hiding here.

My shoulders butted against both Saint and Monroe's as the cart started up and Danny drove the thing as fast as it would go as he began to journey through campus.

As I hid beneath that blanket, my heart raced even faster than it had been while we ran. The light was dim and my breath warmed the space around my face as we waited. Every little noise had me on edge and every time the cart jolted against a bump in the path, I imagined some of those men driving us off the road.

But the moment never came and though my adrenaline surged like crazy, I never once needed to make use of it.

We pulled to a stop and Nash threw the blanket off of us as we found ourselves out in the parking lot beyond the gates.

Saint pulled his car key from his pocket and unlocked the mom mobile as he jumped out of the golf cart, striding away to load his bag into it and climbing into the driver's seat.

"Thanks, man," I said, turning to Danny and pulling him into a hug.

Monroe grabbed the other bag and the box of vaccines, thanking them as he jogged away to get into the car too.

"Where's Tatum?" Mila demanded as I released my friend and looked to her, her dark hair flying about her in the breeze.

"She chased that ninja prick out of here after they kidnapped Kyan. We're going after them now," I told her. "I'll send her your

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