Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,67

his gratitude into my mouth. I breathed in his scent of leather and sin, bathing in everything that he was.

“You’re my hero, wife.” He squeezed my ass to hold me close and I laughed breathlessly as he pushed my hair away from my face, desire rushing out to take the place of the fear in my body. Danger was the hottest kind of aphrodisiac and this boy got me high on it way too often. But damn did I fucking love it.

My cheeks were stained with tears of relief and his face fell serious as he leaned up to kiss them away before his mouth met mine once more, his hand locking around the back of my neck. When my head was spinning from the mixture of his touch and the adrenaline flooding my body, he drew away, his heavenly dark eyes holding me prisoner. “I’m never gonna waste a single day on this earth I have with you, baby,” he swore, the oath glittering in the depths of his eyes.

“If death comes knocking on any of our doors again, we’ll fight it head on together,” I vowed in return.

He smirked, clutching me closer still so I felt his heart drumming powerfully against mine. “With you at my side, I have a feeling the five of us just might live forever.”

M y head was pounding as we made it back to The Temple and I staggered forward, bracing myself against the wall as I started retching uncontrollably from the effects of the gas that had been used to knock us out. If fate had been a bit kinder, I would have taken half an hour to let my head stop spinning and waited until I could feel all of my limbs properly before attempting to do anything, let alone run across campus, but of course, we were once again headed up shit creek without a paddle and I was going to have to just power through.

"If you're going to vomit, do it quickly," Saint growled as he fumbled the key in the lock for the third time, his motor skills clearly not back to functioning properly yet either.

Monroe grew impatient and tried the handle, finding it unlocked anyway after Tatum had clearly left in a rush. He pushed the door open and the two of them disappeared inside while I was forced to take another moment to try and stop myself from puking. My fingers curled tightly around Kyan’s baseball bat which I’d brought back with us from the gym and cursed the people responsible for this beneath my breath.

I was going to fucking end whoever the hell had done this. Their life wouldn't be worth living anymore. They'd rue the motherfucking day.

Just as I managed to force myself upright again, movement at the top of the path which led back towards campus drew my attention and I stilled as a sense of danger prickled along my spine. The trees were blocking my view, but I leaned back until I managed to catch sight of shifting shadows through a gap in the foliage.

There were four men moving down the path, dressed in black and grouped closely together. I could only just see them through the trees, my own position here still hidden, but the strangeness of the way they moved had drawn my focus to them. It was almost like...they were walking in formation.

A breath snagged in my lungs and I darted inside quickly, locking the door, throwing the deadbolt over then securing the two additional bolts that Saint had added when the Justice Ninja had made it clear we needed additional security on this place.

"There's men coming this way," I hissed in answer to the questioning looks both Monroe and Saint were shooting me as I caught them clearly on their way back towards the door.

"What men?" Monroe asked as Saint's gaze sharpened and he nudged past me to lift the blind and look out of the window beside the door.

"How many did you see?" Saint asked in a hushed growl.

"Four," I supplied. And if the way they were moving hadn’t been enough of a clue that they didn’t belong here, the fact that they were within the locked down perimeter of the school clued me in simply enough.

"I doubt that's even the start of them." Saint dropped the corner of the blind and hurried across the room to close the open one where we'd spotted the word mine scrawled across the glass earlier.

"What's going on?" Monroe demanded.

"My father

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