Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,63

was Bait thinking? Why would he take Kyan? What did he want with him? Was this to do with me or something else?

Questions kept circling in my brain, but it was impossible to figure out the answers to them and I just needed to concentrate on getting Kyan back.

I clipped my belt into place as the ground levelled out and I didn’t slow as I raced after the Land Rover which was fast getting ahead of me, tearing up a steep hill which was going to cause Blake’s car serious issues. But even if I had to drive through the River Styx and into the depths of Hades, I’d work out a way to do it. Because no one was taking one of my Night Keepers from me.

"H oly shit, she shot at us!" Bait yelled as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator and I twisted in my seat, looking back at my girl as she took chase.

We had a head start on her, but in the brief moment I’d laid my gaze on her, I’d seen that fire in her eyes which I loved so fucking much. They weren’t going to outrun her. She was a predator hunting for her prey and her fangs were bared. And I was more than happy to be her damsel in distress. I’d even swoon for her when she saved my ass and happily spend the next few hours thanking her in any and every way she wanted.

One holy asshole of a smirk lit my face as I turned back to look at Deepthroat and her eyes widened as she seemed to finally see the danger in me that she should have been fearing all along. I wasn’t the kind of beast you caged. I was the kind who stalked villages in the dead of night and left victims in my wake. I didn’t know what fantasy she’d imagined up about me, but I could guarantee she had no true concept of the reality or she would have abandoned this pursuit of me a long time ago.

With every moment that passed, I could feel my strength returning to me and with a grunt of effort, I bucked my hips and managed to knock the bitch off of me, sending her half sprawling into the footwell with a cry.

I only realised my ankles were bound when I tried to aim a kick at her and I cursed as she scrambled back up into the chair beside me, angling her knife towards me.

"If you really believed I loved you, you wouldn't need that," I taunted as Deepthroat tried to push the mess of blonde hair back out of her face. I was guessing she was making some attempt to look like Tatum with that cheap dye job, but she looked more like some basic bitch looking to get fucked by a stranger on a night out than my girl. What my girl had wasn’t something you could buy in a bottle and this reject cheerleader never would and never could have a scrap on her.

"I know you do," she snarled. "But I also know that bitch has you under her spell. So until I've fully purged her from your mind, I'm going to have to protect us both from her influence."

The car skidded as the dirt track took a sudden turn and the roar of an engine closing in on us from behind made me swivel in my seat once more, a laugh tearing from my throat as I spotted my girl coming up behind us.

Tatum was smiling like a savage as she chased us down and I wished I had my phone so I could take a photo of her in full psycho mode behind the wheel of Blake’s beat up car, looking like an avenging goddess who had made a deal to save the Devil. Fuck I loved that girl.

"Maybe we should just let him out?" Bait yelled as I was thrown into my seatbelt and he accelerated up the track even faster.

"Keep your foot on the gas or you'll be the one getting thrown out!" Deepthroat yelled at him and Bait cursed as he did what she said. It was becoming increasingly clear that she’d been the mastermind behind their Justice Ninja crap, and I was pissed at myself for not suspecting her sooner. But as I always made every effort not to pay attention to her unless I was torturing her, I’d clearly missed the signs.

I was thrown left

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