Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,48

over my hardened nipples as I couldn’t draw my attention from the thought of my Night Keepers all pressed close to me at once, their skin against mine, their mouths roaming my body.

I dried quickly, my hair damp around my shoulders as I stepped outside, finding the room empty and the boys talking downstairs. I headed into the closet, dropping my towel and opening one of the drawers, eyeing all of the beautiful underwear Saint had bought for me.

An idea entered my mind as my finger snagged on a silky white corset. I slipped it from the drawer, putting it on and pairing it with some matching panties before rolling on some sheer tan stockings and using the suspenders on the corset to hook them into place.

I dried my hair and put my makeup on, taking my sweet time as I preened myself to perfection, wanting to feel like royalty after feeling like hell for so many weeks. I painted on a dark, rose coloured lipstick and pushed my feet into the same shade of pink high heels with black soles, smiling at myself in the mirror as I styled my hair. My gaze hooked on the crown I’d worn when Monroe had been made a Night Keeper and I paused, a breath of amusement escaping me. Would it be totally ridiculous if I put it on..?

I hooked it onto my finger, placing it on my head just for myself and taking in the effect in the mirror. Well shit, why can’t I wear a crown every day of the week? Social norms are so dull.

I glanced over my shoulder at the door and figured screw it, exiting and walking to the edge of the balcony. I peered over the edge and found all of them still in their boxers, looking wholly delicious.

Blake and Kyan were wrestling over the TV remote while Saint and Monroe egged them on, all of that muscular flesh making my thighs clench together with need. I watched them for a while longer before heading downstairs, figuring it would be fun to surprise them. I sat on the dining table, crossing my legs and grinning as Blake snatched the remote and jumped up, howling his victory. But his howl died in his throat as his gaze landed on me and the remote fell from his hand, hitting the coffee table with a clatter, the batteries bursting out of it.

“Mine,” he snarled like a beast then shoved through Saint and Monroe on the couch, vaulting over it and running towards me. The others twisted around as Kyan jumped up and I swear their jaws actually dropped.

Blake made it to me, slowing his pace as he dipped his head and his eyes swirled with sinful ideas as he drank in my outfit. He reached out, but I spoke up before he could place his hand on me.

“No touching. Not yet.”

He swallowed hard, dropping his hand in disappointment as the others moved to stand either side of him, the four of them gazing at me like stray mutts hungering for scraps.

“You look incredible,” Nash rasped.

“Beautiful,” Blake added.

“Sensational,” Saint clipped.

“Fucking edible.” Kyan smirked and my toes curled up in my shoes as they all stared and it felt like they were looking directly beneath my flesh.

I smiled seductively back at them, though my heart was pounding fiercely as I considered what I wanted from them. I swallowed the rising ball in my throat and took a measured breath, a flicker of anxiety running through me at the truth I was about to draw from them all.

“I need to ask you all something, and I need an honest answer,” I said and they nodded, waiting expectantly. “I know this situation isn’t exactly…normal. The four of you and me, it’s pretty crazy. But the thing is, it doesn’t feel crazy anymore somehow. Being in that lab alone made me miss you all more than I ever could have imagined I’d miss anyone or anything. Not a single one of you means less to me than the other. I need you all. Being without any one of you would break me. But I also understand that, well, I know it’s a lot to ask of you to share me. Only me. When I’m asking to have all of you in return.” My words hung in the air for what felt like an eternity and the four of them exchanged intense looks that made my heart race. But when they turned back to me,

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