Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,38

I gasped, a chill running through me as I curled against him.

He tugged the covers up around us and the warmth of his body surrounded me.

“For them taking you. For not finding you sooner. For…fuck, baby, everything they did because I couldn’t get to you in time to stop them.” His brow creased and guilt marred his beautiful face, making my chest constrict.

“This isn’t your fault, Kyan Roscoe,” I said seriously, speaking directly to his dark soul.

He growled like a beast, his hands gripping my waist, knotting in the material of the t-shirt I was wearing and making me realise they’d changed me out of the awful hospital clothes. I was coated in the scent of Kyan and swamped in material far too big for my frame and I’d never loved that feeling so much in all my life.

“You found me, you all did,” I said firmly. “An army couldn’t have done what you did for me. You’re my saviours.”

The crease on his forehead eased and he stroked his calloused fingers along the line of my jaw. “Don’t go getting any ideas about me being a hero, baby.”

I smirked, his touch sending tremors deep into the centre of my being. “I know exactly what you are, husband.”

“And what’s that, wife?” His eyes glittered and he reached for my hand, running his thumb over the skull on the ring that branded me as his. I couldn’t even count the number of times I’d done that very thing myself while I was trapped in that lab, taking strength from the knowledge of how much he and the others loved me, how they were surely fighting for me. I’d never doubted that for a single second.

I sought out the tattooed ring on his own hand and brought it to my lips to kiss it. “You’re mine.”

A hungry noise rumbled through his chest as he drew me closer and despite how exhausted I felt, desire still coursed through me like wildfire. He paused before claiming a kiss from me, the tip of his nose grazing mine. “I won’t be touching you while we’re locked up in here, baby. You need to rest. But when I do lay my hands on you, I’ll drain every drop of your strength all over again. So you need to focus on building it back up.”

“Thanks for the incentive,” I teased then a loud knock sounded at the window.

I tried to jump up, excitement warring through my body, but my legs gave out and my knees hit the floor, blackness washing over my vision. Kyan cursed, his arms looping around my waist as he pulled me upright and I leant against him for support.

“I’m okay,” I panted as he pushed my hair away from my face.

“I know I’m not the best one to look after you, baby, but Saint knows what to do. He’s been ordering up all kinds of health foods and shakes and shit. I’ll get you better if it kills me, I fucking swear it.”

I gripped his bicep as my vision cleared and I caught my breath, gazing up at this dark sinner who vowed to save me. “I know you will,” I said. “I trust you. All of you.”

“Fancy that, huh?” He grinned and the knocking grew louder, more impatient.

He was right of course, how could I ever have predicted a future like this with all of them where I loved and trusted them so implicitly after the way things had begun between us? But I wouldn’t change a second of it now. Not a single, bloody, brutal one. Because if this was where it brought me, then it was more than worth all of the heartache and every single tear.

I let Kyan guide me over to the window and he pulled the curtain back, making my heart swell as my gaze fell on the final pieces of my puzzle. I rested my hand against the pane and Blake, Monroe and Saint all stared in at me with a deep longing in their expressions that was mirrored in my own heart. Dawn coloured the sky gold behind them, making their skin seem dipped in molten metal.

“I can’t thank you all enough for what you did,” I choked, emotion flooding me as I stared at my beautiful warriors, wishing I could draw them all close. I needed them together, surrounding me, flesh against flesh. As much as I adored Kyan being this near, I needed Saint’s possessive touches, Blake’s firm caresses and Monroe’s strong arms to

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