Queen of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #4) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,35

be tight," Kyan warned and I glanced at the hole in the wall with a frown.

Before I could voice my concerns about getting trapped in there, Kyan had already heaved himself halfway up into it. A loud banging sound came a moment later and I moved to brace his legs for him while he worked to break the outer grille too.

The sound of it shattering carried to me and Kyan started heaving himself forward, cursing as he went. I shoved him hard when he seemed to get stuck, my hand smacking his ass as I forced his big body forward and suddenly he fell through to the far side.

The sound of someone trying to break down the bathroom door made adrenaline spike through my limbs and I shoved the cubicle door closed before locking that too. I doubted it would do a whole hell of a lot to save my ass, but maybe it would buy me a few more seconds.

I climbed up to the hole left by the broken vent and forced my way into it, wondering how the fuck Kyan had made it through as I got jammed inside it almost instantly.

I cursed and Kyan's hands found mine from outside, tugging me roughly and damn near ripping my arms from their sockets, but it worked.

I fell out of the hole in the wall and scrambled to my feet behind some bushes. Kyan pressed a finger against the ventilator on his mask as he warned me to be quiet.

I nodded my agreement and he pointed towards the building on the far side of this little area of green, giving me all of half a second's warning before taking off towards it.

I stayed low like Kyan, ignoring the flash of red and blue which showed around the side of the building and thanking our luck that the police didn't seem to have the place entirely surrounded yet.

My heart was racing as I sprinted after Kyan, over to the next building then down an alley which ran along the back of it. We vaulted a wall then ducked down another alley and somehow, we made it to Saint's mom-mobile where he'd parked it up in the shadows.

Plan X was one of Saint's contingencies for this all going to shit, and he'd made certain that each of us had a key to the mom-mobile on us in case we got split up. I yanked mine from my back pocket, unlocking the car as we closed in on it.

Kyan went for the driver's seat, but I was faster, laughing as I knocked him aside and leapt in. Kyan grumbled as he slid over the hood and got in on the passenger side. I locked the doors because I couldn't actually allow myself to believe that we'd escaped yet then started the engine.

My heart was still racing, but as I turned us around to exit onto the street furthest from the cops, I couldn't help but let out a whoop of laughter and Kyan started chuckling too. Against the odds, we’d somehow made it out and I couldn’t believe our damn luck.

I had to force myself not to drive too fast as we sped away from the lab and left our problems in the dust. But by the time we hit the highway, I slammed my foot down on the gas and really made the mom-mobile work. To be fair to Saint, he had clearly bought the best soccer mom wagon money could buy and the thing was a beast, but I'd never admit to him that it actually drove pretty damn nicely.

"Are you there yet?" Saint's voice came over the comm just as I turned us off of the highway towards the empty farmland we'd chosen at random for our rendezvous point in case things went to shit. I only remembered where it was because Saint had fucking drilled the coordinates into my mind a million times, and I'd used the sat nav to get us here. Meticulous asshole.

"Coming up on it," I confirmed.

"Good. We'll have no time to waste once we land." He cut the communication off and I glanced at Kyan.

"He seriously stole their chopper, didn't he?" I said, my eyebrows arching.

"Only Saint Memphis," Kyan replied, shaking his head as we came to a stop.

No sooner had we stepped out of the car into the cool air, did we hear the unmistakable sound of a helicopter drawing close and I watched as the chopper lowered down onto the field beside the

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